Out of the Shade!
Out of the Shade!
  • Lee Go-eun (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2008.02.27 04:20
  • 댓글 0
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It remains our personal choice to make a judgement whether tanned skin is beautiful or ugly. The more pressing issues to be considered are health implications. Tanning has both advantages and disadvantages for our health. ST has researched this topic........................................................................................................................Ed.

For generations, many Koreans have tried to hide from the sun’s rays. However, in these modern and increasingly western-influenced times Korean youths are starting to shun the full face covering ‘ajuma’ visors, sun hats, and whitening creams. The current trend is towards tanning oil, tanning beds and bikinis! If we look back at Korean history, we can see the sociological reasons why tanning has not been a popular pastime. People with sun tans have deep-rooted connections with outside labour and poverty. Meanwhile, those with light skin were usually in the privileged class in society and were well off. Thus, dark skin is thought to be a symbol of poverty and fair skin a symbol of success. This has excessively been driven into the consciousness of Koreans excessively throughout history.

This current movement towards darker skin has been heavily influenced by Korean pop stars such as Lee Hyori, Hollywood movie stars, and George Hamilton (okay maybe not George Hamilton, but he has to be considered the poster boy for excessive use of tanning beds). The media seems to have a great impact on long-held beliefs about tanning in Korea.

It is our own choice to judge whether tanned skin is beautiful or ugly. The more pressing issues to be considered are health implications. Tanning has both advantages and disadvantages for our health.

First, let us consider the advantages. When we tan, our bodies produce melanin. Melanin is the pigment that protects the skin from the Ultraviolet rays of the sun. In addition, exposure to sun stimulates the production of vitamin D. Sunshine is a major source of vitamin D because UV rays from sunlight produce vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is essential to our well-being insomuch as it aids the absorption of calcium. Therefore, it is essential to have vitamin D in order to construct and maintain proper and healthy bone structure. Many researchers also suggest that vitamin D may help maintain a healthy immune system. UV exposure also promotes the release of endorphins. These are naturally produced chemical stimulants which promote happiness or a feeling of euphoria. As such, the use of tanning beds can be a natural way to prevent seasonal depression. In addition, proper tanning can protect a fair skinned person from suffering a sun burn. Many scientists argue that it is serious sunburns and excessive tanning that cause adverse health problems.

While the previous paragraph may have you reaching for your sun oil or tanning accelerator, let us now consider the negative health implications associated with sun tanning. As mentioned earlier, exposure to the sun stimulates the production of vitamin D. However, it is often overlooked that in order to get sufficient levels of vitamin D a person only needs to expose themselves to the sunlight for a few minutes. That is why a moderate level of exposure is enough to maintain our health. Meanwhile, overexposure to the sun’s rays can have adverse effects on our health. Recent scientific studies have shown that excessive exposure to harmful rays can affect the skin on a genetic level. Also they are known as the main cause of skin cancer. While many people tan in order to improve their appearance, there are long term cosmetic implications such as wrinkles, changes in skin texture and thickness, and premature age spots. In addition, without use of proper eyewear while tanning, eyes can be damaged due to increased radiation.

Given the preceding information, it is up to the individual to make his or her own decisions. Whether this trend will last or not is up to society as a whole. However, it is important to understand the effects of the sun’s rays before we make our own decisions. We can only hope that those who choose to darken their skins do so with moderate exposure. When you reach for tanning oil or a hat on a summer day, you can now do it wisely. ST

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : 숭실대영자신문
  • 명칭 : The Soongsil Times
  • 제호 : The Soongsil Times(숭실대영자신문)
  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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