What did You Eat for Lunch?
What did You Eat for Lunch?
  • Song Da-hyun (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2008.02.27 04:50
  • 댓글 0
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Food as fuel VS Food as culture

What did you eat for lunch? Nowadays, Many people think that health is the most important thing in the world. Not only doing exercise, but also eating food is important for our health. ST has researched the real meanings of food..................................................................Ed.

Here are two stories about two people.                                      

David enjoys going hiking. He goes up a mountain every weekend. He is a member of a soccer club in the morning and he sometimes plays basketball or football with his friends. He does various types of exercise. He always feels he is starving. Because he thinks that food is fuel, he looks for ways that he can eat more efficiently. Therefore, he enjoys buffet because he is able to EAT as much as he wants in a buffet. He also likes fast food like a Mcdonald’s Big Mac which he can eat anyplace, anytime. Meanwhile, Alice doesn’t like fast food. She enjoys jogging but does not do too much exercise. She meditates every morning. Sometimes, on weekends, she runs with her pet in a park. However, what she prefers to do is listen to music while gardening, and sipping rosemary tea. She cooks every meal herself. To her, food is part of culture. She is also on the lookout for good restaurants with her friends but she does not go to buffet-style restaurants. The reason is because she is afraid of overeating and she also thinks that if she eats too much, she cannot enjoy the taste of each food in a buffet .

▲ She is taking a rest in the park.
▲ Someone is buying fastfood at the fastfood store







Food is not just FOOD                                                     

David and Alice have different lifestyles. They are different not only in eating habits but also in opinions about food. David just thinks of food as fuel that gives him energy. He xrefers fast food rather than slow food because fast food plays a great role for him in providing a quick energy boost. Because he is a very active man he needs to consume a lot of energy every day. Meanwhile, Alice has the view that food is something to be enjoyed and savoured. In addition, she prefers to be quiet. Therefore, she never overeats or eats fast because she does not need too much energy. She always thinks that food is to be something beautiful and healthful.

What is your opinion about eating?                                    

Before the ‘'Well-being’' trend which prevails at the moment, ‘'fast food’' was very popular for a while. The popularity started from the adoration of Western culture. It came into vogue among youngsters. Mcdonalds and KFC were once flourishing businesses and many people praised fast food as a wonderful diet. As time went by, however, the adverse effects of fast food were discovered. Some people who used to enjoy junk food started to complain about sicknesses like hypertonia and obesity. These are adult diseases that were never found before in Korea. People began to realize that fast food is no good. Though fast food is still popular, people are much more concerned than before about what they eat. In addition, there are many experiments going on about food and several studies about treating diseases. Thus people can choose food in consideration of not only their health but also their taste and lifestyle.

Before the ‘'Well-being’' trend which prevails at the moment, ‘'fast food’' was very popular for a while. The popularity started from the adoration of Western culture. It came into vogue among youngsters. Mcdonalds and KFC were once flourishing businesses and many people praised fast food as a wonderful diet. As time went by, however, the adverse effects of fast food were discovered. Some people who used to enjoy junk food started to complain about sicknesses like hypertonia and obesity. These are adult diseases that were never found before in Korea. People began to realize that fast food is no good. Though fast food is still popular, people are much more concerned than before about what they eat. In addition, there are many experiments going on about food and several studies about treating diseases. Thus people can choose food in consideration of not only their health but also their taste and lifestyle.

What is your menu for lunch?                                              

Recently, many people are turning their eyes away from Korean food. In the past, a cook in the kitchen at home had the arduous task of determining the menu, making it difficult to meet the tastes of every family member. Nowadays, however, we can easily find restaurants which can serve us according to our tastes. Also, we can be served quickly in Korean food restaurants because Korean food is no longer slow food. We have to keep in mind that fast food is not always bad and slow food is not always luxurious. What is important is the consumer’s choice which is closely related to the life style of each individual. Opinions about

Food is not just what we eat. Food varies in accordance with period, person, continent and so on. Food is a trend and culture showing our lifestyle. We are likely to be in similar situations to David and Alice, who were mentioned earlier. The following is the famous saying of French gourmet Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savar in the early nineteenth century, “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are.” He means if you tell us what you eat, we can tell you who you are: that is where you live, how much your income is, what your hobby is, what your country’s history and culture is like. By looking at food, we can better understand ourselves and others.

▲ Many people eat fastfood at Mcdonald's
▲ People are having lunch

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  • 등록번호 :
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  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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