The Golden Ratio
The Golden Ratio
  • 강성경
  • 승인 2011.07.06 00:06
  • 댓글 0
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The Golden Ratio: Given two quantities, they can be said to be in the golden ratio if the ratio of their sum to the larger quantity is equal to the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one?that is, an irrational number that is approximately 1.618. Euclidean geometry is often referred to as a gold division particularly since it can be applied in the fields of art, architecture, art, music, etc.

The golden ratio originated as a mathematical method, but it was also found to be expressed in many different facets of life, such as in A4, the TV screen, the number of petals that a flower has, and the number of apple seeds. The golden ratio, in other words, is also expressed in nature. Visual aesthetic values can be considered golden ratios.
When I was a high school sophomore, I went to Canada as an exchange student. I attended a mathematics class about the Fibonacci sequence. The teacher put oranges, apples, and flowers on the desk and taught the sequence using such materials. She also taught us about the 'golden ratio.' That class was a great experience for me because it led me to choose mathematics as my major. In the South Korean schools, only theorems and calculation are taught, but this isn't the case in Canada, where the teachers' teaching methods are better because the students are made to touch real fruits and are made to understand mathematical theorems with the use of their senses. Since then, whenever I eat an apple, I count the number of seeds that it has.
What is your 'golden-ratio' feeling in life? What was a great time, like gold, in your life? As for me, my golden age was the time that I was an exchange student in Canada, but the present time is also a golden age for me. We don't know the starting and ending points of the golden ratio, and it is precisely for this reason that we always have to live in a 'golden' way.
It is important to enjoy and cherish your youth. I am sending this message of encouragement to all youths!

Kang Sung-kyung (Editor-in-Chief)


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