Variety of Experiences from Press Workshop
Variety of Experiences from Press Workshop
  • .
  • 승인 2011.07.06 00:28
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The 2011 Summer Press Workshop for collaboration with all reporters was held from June 27 to 29 in Gangwon-do. There are five 'organizations of public opinion' in SSU: Soongdeasibo, The Soongsil Times, SSBS (SSU Broadcasting System), SSIZEN.NET, and the Editorial Department of the school magazine. Not only the members of each of these organizations but also Prof. Kim In-seob, expert adviser Um Chang-yong, and two staffers participated in the event. The subject of the workshop was realizing one's identity as a Soongsilian, and knowing the role of the university's 'organizations of public opinion'. The objectives of the workshop were as follows: to provide training on mass media, to assess the work of the organizations during the first semester, to report on the activities that each organization planned to carry out during the second semester, and to promote friendship with one another. In addition, the participants visited popular spots in Gangwon-do, such as Hwaam Cave, Arari Village in Jeongseon, and Woljeongsa in Mt. Odae. Rafting, which was part of the original schedule of activities for the workshop, was replaced with a cruise owing to the inclement weather. Furthermore, the members of the workshop were given opportunities to try the regional delicacies, such as Sanchae bibimbap rice with wild herbs and vegetables. After this, it was time to have recreation with all the workshop participants, regardless of the organization they belonged to. They spent that time enjoying the games and becoming acquainted with one another. Although this summer workshop was a valuable experience, it left much to be desired. The organization members who did not attend this year's workshop, of which there were a considerable number, are encouraged to attend the next workshop. Further, the workshop participants actually spent more time doing sightseeing than pursuing education or fostering their friendships. There must be a balance between engaging in activities and undertaking activities that can directly enable the participants to attain the workshop's objectives.Chapel Needs More Attention

Chapel is a required course; Soongsilians have to attend at least two thirds of the classes to be able to graduate. To obtain information about the Chapel course, ST interviews the university chaplain, Pastor Lee Sang-ha. According to Pastor Lee, the Chapel classes are organized before the semester begins. He instructs the professors or outside instructors who will be tasked to teach it to focus on the values that the youth have to know and acquire, but according to the pastor, it is hard to find mentors who fully understand the students. He tries hard to make the Chapel course fun and enriching for the students. He also holds a special class for the non-Christians at 6 p.m. every Wednesday. To improve the Chapel course, he solicits the students' opinions about it through a satisfaction degree survey, and he reflects on the results of the survey, but in spite of his continuous efforts to convince as many students as possible to participate in the survey, only 10-15% of the students participate in it. Soongsilians who participate in Chapel need much attention in that time.


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