Make Your Own Presentation Using PREZI!!
Make Your Own Presentation Using PREZI!!
  • 김하영
  • 승인 2012.08.25 10:44
  • 댓글 0
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The present times are called the “era of self-PR.” Thus, presentation skills and storytelling ability have become increasingly important in many fields,such as advertising, marketing, and education. What is storytelling? It is a compound word formed by putting together story and telling; in short, it means telling a story. You give your own personal meaning to a certain object or event and try to elicit sympathy from the audience. An example of a well-known marketing strategy that employs storytelling is Philip Morris’s Marlboro advertisement. By using the phrase “Men always remember love because romance is gone,” the advertisement implicitly delivers the message that smoking does not only expose a person to harmful things but is also linked to the romantic stories of romantic guys. As illustrated by this advertisement, not only individuals but also corporate marketers use many various skills related to storytelling and find people who are skilled in it.




Prezi is a tool for visualizing ideas and then delivering stories by text, images, videos, and other forms to support various kinds of information. Briefly, it enables one to lay out itemson a large canvas and then sum them up and deliver them in many different forms. With Prezi, you can go beyond the limits of the existing presentation methods, and you can make your own unique presentation!







<Reference recommendation>




1. You should first sign up at the Prezi Website<>.




2. Community of Korean Prezi users:

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