SSU’s School of Architecture Obtains KAAB Certification
SSU’s School of Architecture Obtains KAAB Certification
  • Kim Tae-hun (ST Cub-Reporter)
  • 승인 2013.03.13 20:12
  • 댓글 0
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SSU’s School of Architecture (five-year system) obtained five-year certification from Korea rchitectural ccrediting Board (KAAB) this year. Such certification is the prime grade given by KAAB, the institution that suggests the standard for professional degree programs in architecture in the country, and that implements a certification system for such field of study. SSU’s School of Architecture got a good overall evaluation rating for its Student Performance Criteria (SPC), academic operation program, and education program last May. The school was evaluated as having no negative aspect and as having a very-highlevel professional degree program. The Ecclesiology Study Group, Design Studio, and Global Studio were especially cited as the school’s strong points. Considering the current globalized service market, architecture accrediting will affect other countries offering an architect’s license. South Korea amended its Architect Certification Act in 2011 to prepare for the global standard. Thus, a graduate of a program with KAAB certification can immediately take an architect’s licensure exam. Thanks to this certification, not only are the graduates of architecture in South Korea qualified to take the country’s rchitect
licensure exam: they also have a chance to work overseas. Professor Yoon Chun-seob said, “This major is being operated with a five-year professional degree program and aims to foster architects with a deep sense of responsibility, creativity, and executive ability.” Also, as to the meaning of certification, Prof. Yoon said, “There are few major universities that obtain five-year certification, so obtaining five-year certification with no negative aspect is a great accomplishment.”

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  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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