30th Anniversary ①
30th Anniversary ①
  • Choi A-sol, Yang Jee-hye
  • 승인 2013.03.13 21:04
  • 댓글 0
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<Congratulatory message>
As space is vast but limited, it can be expressed by coordinates. Time treats everything fairly from the beginning to eternity. People add meaning to and
chronicle the events that transpire in their history. Soongsil Times, which has been around for 30 years, is very valuable due to its history of torment and eagerness. Carve another, larger signification onto that history, and make your own way.
- Kim Min-ki (Faculty Senate President and Department of Journalism, Public Relations, and Advertising Professor)

Soongsil Times took the first step as the school press when South Korea went through chaotic times with the pro-democracy movement. Thirty years thereafter, Soongsil Times is getting good results with the familiar senior-junior relationship and with its reporters’ positive work, and Soongsil Times is even advancing into the global village. I hope that Soongsil Times will become a pioneer in the future, carving out a new history as an English school press. Thank you!
- Kim In-seob (Department of Creative Writing Professor, Managing Director)

Congratulations to Soongsil Times on its 30th anniversary! Thirty years is an age that has witnessed a lot of precious experiences, and also an age that promises another 30 prosperous years. This year’s ST members can especially be proud of themselves for they are continuing the ST tradition and are even extending it for its future members. Congratulations again on your 30th anniversary!
- Yi Seung-bok (Department of English Language and Literature Professor, Associate Director


I think that Soongsil Times’ role will become even more important in the future because the number of foreign students in SSU is on the rise. Thank you for your hard work of conveying important news regarding Soongsil for the past 30 years. I hope that ST will continue to exist for a long time. Congratulations!
-Soong Dae Si Bo Editor-in-Chief, Jang Duk-jae (Physics, 10)

It is hard to keep up the “press spirit,” especially in SSU, where the school press often encounters more difficulties. That’s why Soongsil Times’ 30th anniversary is very meaningful. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
-Soongsil Magazine Editor-in-Chief, Hwang Su-keang (Creative Writing, 10)

I hope that Soongsil Times’ 30th anniversary will be an occasion for ST to look back to its past and to endeavor to build an even more solid foundation. I sincerely congratulate Soongsil Times on the occasion of its 30th anniversary!
-SSIZEN.NET Manager, Jang In-soo (Global School of Media, 07)

Soongsil Times has been an important component of SSU Press for 30 years. ST always wants to communicate with the Soongsilians and has done so consistently
over the years. I hope that ST will be able to continue its effective communication with the Soongsilians beyond its 30th anniversary. Thank you!
-SSBS Manager, Lee Jin-sun (Business Administration, 10)

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : 숭실대영자신문
  • 명칭 : The Soongsil Times
  • 제호 : The Soongsil Times(숭실대영자신문)
  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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