[IT] Feeble Voice of QR code
[IT] Feeble Voice of QR code
  • Kang Min-jeong (Editor-in-Chief)
  • 승인 2013.06.25 16:10
  • 댓글 0
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Existing barcodes system is quite limited in usage in that only sellers of goods can use the devices to identify information. The QR code system is advanced that consumers can scan the product code they want to identify if having a smartphone or a tablet PC. In the age of society where the mobile system prevails, the QR code has emerged as a significant marketing and PR(public relations) tool. Whoever wants to promote a private business or something to introduce, they can do whatever they want to do by simply attaching a unique QR code on a business card, offline flyers, books and so on. The biggest advantage of the QR code is that it can store a huge amount of data of information in so small a sign. Also, it is easy for anyone to create a unique QR code. It surely is a much advanced step further than the existing barcode system in terms of utilization and accessibility. When you walk through the streets, the QR code on billboards is found easily. Yet, we can see very few people stop to scan the code. How can we explain this seeming contradiction?

ST raises questions about the effectiveness of QR codes. ST investigated the opinion of Soongsilians as to the actual use of the code. We divided Soongsilians into two categories: those who have never done it and given it a try. The former group’s major response is that it is bothering to download the App (Application) to recognize the QR code. Furthermore, they do not feel the need to scan it at all. There is an interesting answer related to diffident manner. Some students are unwilling to do the scan on the public property such as billboards on the subway. The students who experienced the code have different stories. A few students answer that it is useful. Most response
is, however, as follows, “It stimulated my curiosity, but fell short of my expectations soon. Since then, I do not use it.” The other opinions are that it is not worth making frequent use and there often are errors to recognize the codes. The interest of QR code lasts quite short.

It is ironic that the birth of a new means of marketing shuns QR code from the public. The code is too good to discard as it is keeping their place in the real world still. The best way to raise the code’s voice is to encourage smartphone users to have fun so that they can use them without any hesitation. The content is essential in doing so. It will further increase the utilization of QR codes if it provides a variety of cultural contents for both fun and practical use. It is also a good plan to connect giveaway and marketing such as “Like” or “Share” system that is used in Facebook, the most popular social networking website.

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  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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