[FEATURE] New Experience as an Exchange Student ①
[FEATURE] New Experience as an Exchange Student ①
  • Gil Su-ryeon (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2013.06.30 12:02
  • 댓글 0
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     Have you ever dreamed of going abroad? Most university students would say that they want to experience something new in other countries. Of course, there are many ways to set foot on foreign soil, and here’s one: applying for admission into the university’s exchange student program. Being an exchange student will give you a chance to go to other countries, meet many foreigners, and have diverse experiences. ST introduces to you five exchange students who left their respective countries to widen their horizons.


     The first student that ST wants to introduce is Lee Jeong-hoon (Global Commerce, 08). He is staying in Peru for one semester as an exchange student. ST found so many interesting things in his exchange student life.
ST: Most people want to go to countries that are relatively well known, such as the U.S. or   European countries, so going to Peru as an exchange student is quite unique. What made you decide to go to Peru?
Jeong: There were many things that inspired me to come to Peru. I was really interested in the Latin American culture ever since I was a high school student, and I really wanted to improve my Spanish fluency. I wanted to try something that others had not done before. Also, the fact that Peru is one of the fastestgrowing countries in the world in terms of the use of renewable energy was quite attractive for me and made me consider building my future career here. I have so far prepared to become a trade expert, and I have narrowed down my career goal to that of being an “energy trade expert in South America.”After this semester, I will spend six months to try to better understand the South American economy and the mechanism of the energy market, which will lead me to my further career steps.
ST: What was your first impression of Peru?
Jeong: Ah, I expected a somewhat pastoral scene, with a relaxing atmosphere. It didn’t take that long for me to find out, however, that I was totally wrong to expect that. From the airport to my house, there was heavy traffic, everything seemed unorganized, and there were very ugly neighborhoods. It occurred to me that it was going to be tough to stay here for one semester.
ST: What was your most impressive experience in Peru?
Jeong: Well, I’ve been here only a month and a half. During that time, as many Western countries did, Peru celebrated Easter (Semana Santa). My European friends and I decided to travel to Huaraz (a city famous for its mountains and its six-hour distance from Lima). I was in charge of the reservation, so I booked bus tickets for the of us. We came up with a specific travel plan, and it was so exciting. When we got to the bus terminal, however, we couldn’t get tickets because I misunderstood the Spanish word recharzada, which means “rejected.”We were very disappointed, and I felt guilty. I tried to find another option, but we couldn’t go anywhere else because all the bus trips to other cities were already fully booked. My friends told me that they were okay, but I saw the disappointment on their faces. As there was nothing I could do about it, I was really frustrated. How did I overcome my frustration? I made an awesome bulgogi for my friends, and they were so impressed at how amazing such traditional Korean dish is. Now, we’re getting along so well, like a family, and I’m happy with them.
ST: Do you recommend other SSU students to go to Peru as exchange students? Why or why not?

Jeong: Sure. I’m extremely satisfied with my decision. Staying with the superkind Peruvian people, learning a completely new culture, and traveling a lot, including to Machu Picchu, one of the seven wonders of the world, will give you unforgettable experiences. Another benefit of this is that you will be able to improve your communication skills not only in Spanish but also in English because we have more than 100 exchange students here.



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  • 제호 : The Soongsil Times(숭실대영자신문)
  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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