Reading a book is important, but....
Reading a book is important, but....
  • Kim Hye-lin (Culture Editor)
  • 승인 2013.10.08 12:29
  • 댓글 0
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Recently, we can easily see more people who touch the smart phones more than those who read books. Most people usually look at their smart phones every time in cafe, subway, anywhere. The machines become smarter as it can talk with people, the man becomes more stupid as they can’t memorize a friend’s phone number.

There is old saying in Korea; “Autumn is the best season for reading.” So, every fall, September, media and library encourage people to read books with using this old saying. People always establish goalslike ‘reading lots of books this month or this year,’ but people often miss their goals of reading books. To achieve this goal of reading, you should set a specific goal. For example, a goallike ‘reading lots of books’ is too abstract. You should set a goal, like ‘reading one book a month.’ It is easier to achieve your goal this way. Using university’s program actively is another way to achieve the goal of reading. There are “Book Report Program”and “Reading 7000pages during vacation program” to support and encourage SSU students to read more books. Try to achieve your goal with these programs.

Other universities make their own programs to encourage students’ reading such as supporting club of book discussion or modifying graduation requirement to include about reading. These programs prove that universities realize the importance of reading. Recently, I saw a report about average annual amount of reading. The individual university student’s amount of reading is 2.5books a year. The time to finish a book varies according to each individual. If you spend just one hour on reading every day, it is not difficult to read one book a month. Many of the university students answer the reason why they can’t read books is that they spend most of their time on studying their coursework requirements. I think it is just an excuse. University students’ vacation is longer than that of elementary, middle, and high school student. The vacation period is at least 4 months. If you didn’t read books this time, it is not because of the lack of time; it is because of lack of your will to read books. The importance of reading cannot be overemphasized. You can get more knowledge which cannot acquire from textbooks and improve your vocabulary and writing skill.

In the second semester, I recommend to you that enjoy the advantages of reading by set a specific goal and make the most of the school programs.

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