[REVIEW]The Real Catastrophe Is Beginning Under the Dome
[REVIEW]The Real Catastrophe Is Beginning Under the Dome
  • Choi JinHyuk (ST Cub-Reporter)
  • 승인 2014.02.13 14:10
  • 댓글 0
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This year, many kind of American dramas are sprining up. This is a good news for people who love watching American dramas.
Ironically, it is also a bad news for newbie who are at a loss as to what to watch. If you like SF (Science Fiction) or mystery, then ST strongly recommendes Under the Dome, an American drama blue chip based on a story written by Stephen King, the famous horror novelist.
Under the Dome is set in a small town named Chester Mill, which has almost 1000 residents. When a dome falls down from the sky, the catastrophe begins. The
dome blacks everything, even water and air, causing chaos in Chester Mill. People loot stores, markets, and drugstores. Noboby knows how the situation will end. As a new chapter unfolds, the secrets of the dome are gradually revealed. The key point of the drama is the conflict between a man who conceals the secrets of the dome to gain power and the group that's trying to communicate with the dome to eliminate it. Using a dome to underscore extreme circumstances was very effective. The residents'desires, authority, and love represent another key point of the drama. If you love the other American drama Lost then Under the Dome will be a great follow-up and tonic, which you need during the tiresome campus life. There are a lot of useful English expressions in Under the Dome. ST introduces some of them here for the benefit of the Soongsilians.
Expression 1
Rose: You off to the game today, Big Jim?
Big Jim: No, I'm sitting the one out, actually.
Here, “sitting out” means “not participating.”
Expression 2
Julia Shumway: You want to see me in person?
Here, “in person” means “face to face.”
Expression 3
Joy: I saw your car spin out.
Here, “spin out” means “sudden stop.”
There are a lot of useful expressions in American dramas. Also, some of the biggest fascinations of American dramas are their endless stories and the actor's realistic performances. If you don't have any English study plan this winter, ST suggests you watch the brand-new American SF drama Under the Dome. It’s good chance for you have fun and study at the same time. What are you waiting for? It's time to watch Under the Dome! 

▲ Here are the main characters of Under the Dome. Who’s good and bad among them?

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  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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