[INTERVIEW] Meeting Professor Bae Myung-jin
[INTERVIEW] Meeting Professor Bae Myung-jin
  • Shin Hyun-a (Editor-in-Chief)
  • 승인 2014.03.25 18:25
  • 댓글 0
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Publishing the Book: Reading the World through Sound

Do you know that there was a case where a criminal was caught through the technology of sound engineering? Do you know that some sounds can alter our body conditions? If you know both, do you also know that these researches were done by a professor from SSU? Meet Professor Bae Myung-jin (Electronic Engineering, SSU). He is the director of Sori Sound Engineering Research Institute, and he recently published the book Reading the World through Sound. ST interviewed Prof. Bae to find out more about him and his new book.


ST: You are widely known for your researches, and in fact, you’re practically the star of SSU. Did you know that?

Bae: Yes. As I have been on TV so many times, people recognize me easily. About 4-500 reporters come to interview me annually. I’m not slacking off in my researches, though. I’m not a TV guy; I’m an engineer. Most of the SSU students know me, and they often come to my lab for a visit. There are even some people who are jealous of my popularity, but I decided to live with it. It’s a cross I have to bare, apparently.

ST: What is “Sori” sound engineering? Does “Sori” mean something specific?

Bae: There’s an area called sound engineering, but our “Sori” sound engineering is different. The former is taking a sound around you and trying to define it, but Sori sound engineering is something more than that. It is creating new technologies from itself to make it useful and practical. There are 20-30,000 Master’s and doctorate degree holders in sound engineering, but I’m the first in Sori sound engineering.

ST: Can you tell us about your new book Reading the World through Sound?

Bae: As TV has come to be an everyday thing, I started writing articles about sounds in newspapers. Then I decided to collate my articles and publish them as a book. The book consists of 49 stories about the sounds that have changed the world. It has been a big hit so far, after the release of the first edition in November. The second edition will have to be printed soon because the book is one of the best-selling books at present.

ST: You did many interesting researches in the book. Can you tell us some of them?

Bae: The most memorable is the one I did on storytelling with a parent’s voice. According to my research, the book-reading CDs arouse more enthusiasm from kids if these feature their parents’ voices. If you alter the actor’s voice to make it sound like the voice of the kids’ parents, they will listen to it more carefully. Another interesting research is something called Never-Old-Tone, Bullotone in Korean. I wrote about it in the book. The vibration caused by its sound wave, and the soothing noise, make a person healthy. I experienced the effects, so I can guarantee it. Don’t you think I look young and healthy?

ST: Do you have a research goal right now?

Bae: I’m hoping we can set up a Sori sound museum in our campus. Sound can be interactive, and it stimulates the hearing and touching senses, so I think it can be used to better teach young students about sounds rather than using textbooks. Also, the museum can serve as a landmark for SSU, making SSU more known to the public.

ST: As you’re an SSU graduate and your Sori Sound Engineering Research Institute is situated here as well, do you have something to tell the Soongsilians?

▲ Prof. Bae holds up his best-selling book.

Bae: There are a few things I’d like to tell the students. First, come up with new ideas, especially those that can be used in real life and that can help many people. Like Sori sound engineering, I believe that experiments and researches should be practical. For example, while everyone just listens to the songs of the singer Lee Mi-ja, I tried to find out why she sang so well by studying her tones. Second, create documents and portfolios about what you do. Those are the things that last, and they will prove the work you’ve done. One example from my experience is publishing this book. If you create these documentary proofs, they will help you recall what you’ve accomplished. Also, other people will take your works more seriously. Third, don’t think that the situation you’re in is too bad to start something new, because if you will think that way, that is exactly what everyone else will also think. Look at the situation as an opportunity. You have to learn how to live with the things you have, and make the best of them. If you try hard enough, the results will always be great.

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  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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