Credit Abandonment Launched
Credit Abandonment Launched
  • Choi Jung-min (Editor-in-Chief)
  • 승인 2015.02.08 22:18
  • 댓글 0
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SSU introduced a “system of abandoning credit” in the first semester of 2014. This abrupt introduction caused controversy among the students. Even though it was announced in winter, its original date of implementation (March 4) was too tight. Considering the date of the opening course, March 2, it was too hard for the students to complete the credit-related tasks. In addition, only those who had finished seven semesters and who were to be promoted to the eighth semester were qualified to apply. When a student applies for credit abandonment, all the records of his/her relevantsubjects are erased. SSU limited the range of subjects that can be applied for abandonment, and the number of subject students who can apply. When approval is obtained, the credit abandonment will be irreversible, and the student can no longer apply for credit abandonment. There were several discussions of this sudden circumstance. The applicants overflowed and claimed that the system is so restrictive. As the student protests increased, SSU proposed a supplementary period for two-time application. Also, the qualifications were expanded to include all the enrolled students as well as those who were in a leave of absence. The range of subjects that could be abandoned was also slightly changed. Many students were inconvenienced by the unstable system.

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