[FEATURE] Going on a Picnic Alone in Seoul
[FEATURE] Going on a Picnic Alone in Seoul
  • Choi Ga-yeong (ST Cub-Reporter)
  • 승인 2015.11.10 23:11
  • 댓글 0
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Choi Ga-yeong, ST

Since modern society requires people to work harder and harder, it is not easy to take a time off to go have fun. With the weather growing more pleasant day by day, however, ST suggests that you go on a picnic by yourself..................................................................................................................................................................Ed. Going somewhere by yourself with a purpose will make your trip more exciting. ST decided to give the Soongsilians “three tips” to make their trip more joyful. These three tips concern “picture,” “culture,” and “health.” Pick and try out the one that catches your eyes after reading this article. Do you want to take a nice picture? First, you must choose a place that’s accessible with just one’s strength and a camera. Regarding these conditions, ST went to Yong Bongjeong Neighborhood Park. This park has been designated as an excellent-view attraction because one can see an unbroken view of Hangang from the park. It is not yet a popular place, but there are already some blogs introducing the park. If you plan to go there, pay attention to these useful tips. First, one who sweats profusely should bring a handkerchief or a piece of cloth to wipe his or her perspiration with. This park is not situated on a flatland. You have to walk up an incline that’s quite steep. Second, you’d better arrive there before dark. Although many houses line up the street, the area is too dark to wander alone. Third, ST recommends the use of a map because there are not enough directional signs. Using real-time location information will enable you to get there more easily. Finally, the night view is more popular than the day view, but it’s also great to behold the bright scene, especially if you’re scared of the dark. Revel in the scenery of Seoul, where Hangang Bridge, Nam San Tower and a lot of buildings show harmony with one another. You can take a satisfactory photo by yourself as you can throw all care to the wind. Have a good time while having a picnic with only a camera in hand!


There’s a place where you can revel in the different creations of designers. It is the “dreaming, designing, and playing” platform “DDP.” The DDP building, the biggest three-dimensional irregular building in the world, will satisfy you. In addition, DDP was selected as “the world’s top 52 must-go attraction in 2015” by New York Times last year, making it a perfect place for a picnic. Also, DDP has a really comfortable information system. There is an information desk in each building as so many people visit the place. Also, a lot of exhibitions and plays are held here every year. The fee varies from free of charge to affordable. Refer to the homepage (www.ddp.or.kr) before going there. DDP is currently holding the art exhibitions “Andy Warhol Live” and “Busking Play” every weekend. Besides, on February 29, 2016, you can enjoy the LED (Light-Emitting Diode) Rose Garden. In the daytime, take in the beauty of the items on exhibit and of the buildings slowly by yourself, and at night, feel the romantic mood while watching the LED roses with dancing lights. If you get tired, you can rest by sitting on one of the individual chairs dotting the landscape. In conclusion, when you go to an exhibition alone, you will be able to think and feel more deeply. After thinking by yourself, exchanging opinions with others will help you understand what you beheld. In the end, your picnic’s worth depends on yourself.

Choi Ga-yeong, ST

The last of the “Fantastic 3” is a picnic for good health. Those among you who are almost always at home or who exercise only in a fitness center can visit one of the 74 manned or manless bicycle rental centers operated by Seoul Special City. Some of these centers charge a fee, and the centers have great number of bicycles. Among the 74 bicycle rental centers, ST recommends Ttukseom Park near SSU. There is a 16.6km bicycle road in the park, and you can rent a bike for one hour for 3,000 won, or for two hours for 5,000 won. You have to present your ID when renting a bicycle. Ttukseom Park has 188 bicycles for rent, and there are many people riding bicycles on the road. If you’re ready to get out and look around Hangang and the park from end to end, let’s go on a bicycle picnic to Ttukseom. It would be a swell picnic!

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  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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