Human Image
Human Image
  • 박찬주 (ST Photo Editor)
  • 승인 2016.03.24 20:00
  • 댓글 0
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Museum holds treasure words can hardly express. ST introduces "The British Museum: Human Image” holding at Hangaram Art Museum, introducing pieces by focusing on each section. ........Ed
Seoul Arts Center opened an exhibit titled “The British Museum: Human Image” in Hangaram Art Museum on December 11, 2015. The exhibit will last until March 20, 2016. It has six sections: “Beauty,” “God,” “Individual,” “Authority,” “Metamorphosis,” and “Love.” It also features 176 artworks, including ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, Egyptian mummies, and drawings and engravings by Raffaello, Picasso, Rembrandt, Matisse, and many others, covering a wide range of ages, from B.C. 8400 to 2012.
Section 1 is Ideal Beauty. For thousands of years, artists of different traditions have sought to depict the human body in its most perfect, ideal form. This section states: “Expressing the beauty of the human body and face reflecting a beauty standard that has changed by area and age.” Marcus Cossutius Cerdo’s “Marble Statues of Pan” and Henri Matisse’s “Nude with a Blue Cushion” are the representative works of section 1.
Section 2 is Expressing the Person. A vital aspect of all portraiture is its role in defining and revealing identity. Every portrait tells us something about the person it depicts. This section states: “Express myself like me.” “Head from a Statue of Apollo” is the representative work of section 2.
Section 3 is The Body Divine. In diverse cultures and religions, we can see how God becomes a human being. The section states: “Our God resembles us.” The famous and representative works in this section are “Portrait of a Woman,” “Grave Relief Fragment of an Elderly Man,” “Black-figured Amphora with a Scene Showing Herakles and Athena,” and “Amulet Depicting the Goddess Hathor.”
Section 4 is The Body Politic. Historically, rulers have used their image to wield authority. The section states: “Let all the world know that I am your ruler.” The trademark work in this section is “Portrait of the Head of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.”
Section 5 is The Body Transformed. The section states: “Collection of various images showing another side of ourselves.” From the prehistoric age, humans have distorted their bodies on purpose and have come up with transformed images of themselves. They have given a new identity to humans and have revealed “another side of themselves.” “Coffin Lid of an Unidentified Woman” is the representative work of this section.
Section 6 is Relationships. The section states: “A story begins when two people form a relationship.” This section displays who we are and where we are situated in the social relationships through images of our identity. “The Virgin and the Child” and “Seated Figure of Isis Nursing Harpocrates” are the representative works of this section.

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  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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