The Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome
The Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome
  • 권현지 (ST Cub-Reporter)
  • 승인 2016.03.25 16:38
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  We can easily see people who have cold hands or feet. ST introduces the Cold Hands and Feet Syndrome, dealing with its causes, risks and treatments recommended good for the syndrome ..........................................................................................Ed

What is the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome?
  Looking around, one would observe that there are people who have cold hands and feet. They usually suffer from cold hands and feet at anytime in the year, but their suffering becomes worse in winter. No matter how much heat they apply to their hands and feet, the warmth does not last. The case where the hands and feet are especially cold among the different parts of the body is called the “Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome.” As the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome always occurs regardless of the season, it is a major concern for the people suffering from it.

The various causes of the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome
  Why does the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome occur? This syndrome has several causes. It usually occurs when the blood circulation is not smooth. In such a case, the blood supply in the hands and feet is not efficient. As such, the temperature of the hands and feet will go down. Typically, the cold and stress prevent smooth blood circulation by causing the blood vessels to contract. Thus, the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome occurs.
   The Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome can differ in frequency according to the gender. The syndrome usually appears more frequently in women than in men. The reason for this is related to the body structure of women and men. Women have much more fat than muscle. Conversely, men have more muscle than fat. Blood, which keeps the body warm, exists between the muscles and does not exist in the fat. As such, the body temperature of women is lower than that of men.

Risk of Developing the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome
  The Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome is a problem in itself, but if left untreated it can lead to more serious illnesses. Myoma uteri and ovarian cystic tumor are typical diseases caused by the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome. These diseases are deadly for women. In addition, the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome is extremely dangerous because it can lead to complications such as anemia, dizziness, and stomach disorder. Therefore, it is important to prevent and treat the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome.

Treatment of the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome
  How do you cure the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome? Unfortunately, there is yet no way of completely getting rid of this syndrome, but there are ways of mitigating it. If you improve your lifestyle and eat healthy food, this syndrome will to some extent be mitigated. As such, if you take care of yourself, you will be able to ward off the Cold Hands/Feet Syndrome.

Helpful Lifestyle
  What is most important is to maintain a warm body temperature. For this, the blood circulation should be smooth. A half-bath and a foot bath can make the blood circulation smooth and can thus help mitigate this syndrome. Also, light exercise every day can help increase the temperature of the hands and feet.

Helpful Foods
  There are foods that are good for this syndrome, such as ginseng, ginger, and cinnamon. Ginseng helps ward off the syndrome by improving the blood vessels. Ginger helps make the blood circulation smooth by helping discharge the body waste. Cinnamon, like ginger, also facilitates the blood circulation and can also help in digestion. Pepper is also good for this syndrome as it contains capsaicin, which prevents the body temperature from going down.

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  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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