Dreaming of ‘Philharmonic Soongsil’
Dreaming of ‘Philharmonic Soongsil’
  • Choi Ga-yeong (Culture Editor)
  • 승인 2016.06.22 17:04
  • 댓글 1
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In Korea, history of Western music goes together with Christianity. SSU is the first national Christian university. In this regard, SSU is not only the cradle of Western music disseminated to Korea but also the first university that learned and experienced it systematically. This is demonstrated by individuals who greatly influenced musical world of Korea: Ahn Eak-tai, composer of the Korean national anthem; Kim Dong-jin, composer of ‘Gagopa(I want to go)’; Hyun Jae-myung, ‘Gohyang Saenggak(Thinking of home)’; Park Tae-joon, ‘Dongmu Saenggak(Thinking of friend).
Western Europe, the part that carries the highest level of culture in the world, considers music to be not only a preference of people but also as one of the superlative values in the process of beauty that forms human virtue. How much you comprehend music can be regarded as measuring how much she or he is cultivated. Furthermore, Western Europe is carrying on the musical tradition as the root of all expressive art culture.
‘Culture’ is defined as the dawn of a new world through enlightenment of human wisdom and having mankind enjoy a more fine life. Culture is also defined as the fruit of spiritual and physical achievements through mankind’s spiritual activities in realizing the truth and constantly endeavoring to advance. Today, mankind addresses the countries and people who correspond to the meaning of culture as ‘civilized nation’ or ‘civilized people,’ and endeavor to occupy the position. Universities worldwide are generously investing for such purposes, while aiming strongly for education to build up ‘university of culture.’
There are about 200 of universities in Korea and they are all training the talented people with their own sets of distinctive factors. However, how many universities work hard to create a ‘university of culture,’ and how many can confidently present their culture? In the twenty-first century, the civilization is becoming more material based. In this reality, I cherish a little hope, dreaming of ‘Philharmonic Soongsil’ in wishing to create a culture based on traditions of SSU.
Firstly, I expect beautiful communication within our campus. Communication is an exchange of expressions on one’s thought and emotions. This corresponds to the basic purpose of music. However, ‘communication skill’ is a high level value that is difficult to acquire with only consistent education and training. It also requires for one to keep it as a habit. I look forward to the fantasy of aesthetic space that would be spread through SSU when different images of music flows during every change of seasons and our lips naturally utter the beauty.
Secondly, I hope for the cultural relevancy of Soongsilians to be maximized. As I have mentioned previously, I expect students’ passion to aflame in order to seek the truth and to continually advance. I dream that the blazing passion of students will burst and burn their energy up toward the truth than indulging in physical pleasure.
 Lastly, I expect Soongsilian’s performances to fit the last line of our university’s song, ‘renew the future of our people.’ I wish that Soogsilians always manifest their spirit and become the future leaders who run toward his or her dream. In addition, I hope the leader from SSU is full of strong leadership and cultural knowledge, as well as having beautiful communication ability, and thus becomes an important figure for the beautiful country and people. With this, when SSU produce such leaders who meet the lessons from music, the glorious completion will be realized. The magnificent completion of the dream and prayer from a holy martyr who opened the era of SSU on this ground 120 years ago will be fulfilled.

▲ Chang Se-wanDivision of Baird, SSU

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