[Trend] Virtual Reality : Realize Your Imagination
[Trend] Virtual Reality : Realize Your Imagination
  • Kim Ga-hyeon, Park Chan-oh
  • 승인 2016.06.25 22:57
  • 댓글 0
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"Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions."-Albert Einstein

     Everyone has dreamed, at least once in their life, about flying like a bird in the sky or defeating villains as
if they were heroes. Such events seemed impossible to happen until now. One hero will help in realizing your imagination. Following the Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the Information Revolution, the Fourth Revolution is approaching. VR (Virtual Reality) is at the center of the revolution. VR is not a real space, but instead it is a virtual space that is created by a computer. In this place, the users can interact with data through sight, touch, hearing, and so on.
     Typically, when a person hears the word ‘VR’, he or she will recall a scene from a movie that is set in the future. According to the news, major companies, such as Google and Oculus, are starting to create inroads into the VR market. It is a fact that VR will soon rule the world.

     Why does the VR market attract people? People are attracted to the concept due to the VR’s potential. The immense and practical contents are enough to amaze people. VR can be applied to various practical categories, such as medicine, entertainment (game), and education.


     It is called a VRT (virtual reality therapy), because it uses VR to cure a disease. VR is considered as a beneficial
form of therapy for phobias such as acrophobia and arachnophobia. In this case, VRT helps patients to adapt or overcome their fear through the VR environment. Furthermore, VR is obtaining good results in rehabilitative medicine, as well as psychotherapy. For example, a person with a disabled hand can use a VR simulated hand unconsciously.


     VR that simulate real space and blur the live between reality and illusion is predicted to have a large impact in the entertainment industry. VR’s high degree of immersion with a myriad of contents shows that it can be applied to entertainment. We are currently able to play a game within a game! Even though VR is not yet compatible with many games, at the rate of its current growth, it will soon take over the game market.

Limitation of the VR Technology

     There are still a lot of tasks left for the field of science and technology regarding the realization of VR. The core problem of the HMD (Head Mounted Display), which connects a person to a virtual reality, is that it has difficulties in satisfying all five senses. Among the five senses, there has been a significant improvement in respect to sight and sound. However, in the fields of touch, smell, and taste, there are only a few developments, although research is being conducted, such as developing the sense of touch with the use of electricity. The cost of developing the VR seems to be too burdensome to continue. The HMD currently represents VR, but it is too heavy and low in definition. Meanwhile, there are other disadvantages that exist, such as overheating, low battery life, and lack of content.

Concerns about VR

     The biggest concern that most people have regarding the VR is social isolation. Some people who are addicted to virtual reality tend to escape from reality. The additional causes of social isolation that create psychological problems for people are depression and mental disorder. These problems are not only due to personal matters, they are also caused by social issues. Furthermore, it can make it difficult for people to distinguish between reality and virtual reality. The virtual reality has escape point because every action and events is in virtual reality. However, reality is different from virtual reality, particularly in regards to death.

Making the VR in the Home

     You need to prepare a sheet of corrugated cardboard, two biconvex lenses, one neodymium ring magnet, one ceramic disk magnet, and some velcro in order to create a VR cardboard.
1. Cut the corrugated cardboard according to the diagram.
2. Put the lenses in the middle and overlap the corrugated cardboard.
3. Fold the corrugated cardboard and stick one ceramic disk magnet in the round dent.
4. Fold the corrugated cardboard and stick together to form a tetragon shape.
5. Stick one neodymium ring magnet in the left round dent, and attach a piece of velcro on the corrugated cardboard as shown in the picture.

     You can cut the corrugated cardboard depending on the diagram or you can buy the Google Cardboard. You can also download the diagram at https://www.google.com/get/cardboard/get-cardboard/ and you can watch the step-by-step instructions of the corrugated cardboard VR video at YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUPLuAazL8I).

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  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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