A New Start, At the Beginning
A New Start, At the Beginning
  • Hwang Joon-seok
  • 승인 2018.09.28 14:24
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             After two months of a sweet, I’d say, a short break, the summer vacation had finally come to an end. For students like us, it’s time to go back to reality, and start hustling for a new semester. I feel like this year has been filled with many big events. This summer was unprecedentedly hot, and it forced the entire country to operate air conditioners all day long. Also, two major sports events were held this year: the Winter Olympics and the World Cup. As we all know, the Winter Olympics was held in Pyeongchang, Korea. Many students went on to volunteer and travel to Pyeonchang to cheer for the athletes at the Winter Olympics.

     However, the most important event this year by far is definitely the meeting of the two countries, North Korea and South Korea. Starting from the Inter-Korean summit held in the House of Peace, Panmunjom on April 27, there was significant progress between the two countries. Until the past few years ago, the relations between South Korea and North Korea seemed irreversible. North Korea threatened not only South Korea, but the world with endless nuclear tests. The rest of the world went on to prepare for countermeasures. The atmosphere between North Korea and the surrounding countries vibrated with tension, as the world reported one news story after another about the imminent possibility of war.

     Therefore, no one had ever imagined that the two leaders would have shaken hands at the House of Peace this quickly. The picture of President Moon Jae-in and Chairman Kim Jong Un holding hands in Panmunjom surprised the world. Additional meetings had been held after the summit at the House of Peace, Panmunjom. However, it’s too early to be convinced of a bright future. Still, the meeting with North Korea is very meaningful because North Korea and South Korea had finally made a huge historical stride to hold talks. There are many issues that must be settled and discussed. Hence, it is time we cautiously watch the situation, and, at the same time, hope for a brighter future.

     ST discusses the events held involving North Korea in chronological order, and provides information on the details that had been carried out. 


Hwang Joon-seok (Editor-in Chief)



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  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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