Many Feelings About the Word "Start"
Many Feelings About the Word "Start"
  • Joo So-young [Editor-in-Chief]
  • 승인 2019.03.16 21:07
  • 댓글 0
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 The word “Start” always makes me feel both excited and worried. The emotions that I felt at a ceremony of appointing the Soongsil Times Editorin-Chief are the same with the emotions I have toward the word “Start.” I had expectations for leading the Soongsil Times. However, I was worried because there are no seniors who are reliable anymore. In order to fill up the absence of the seniors, ST made various efforts and the 177th edition of the Soongsil Times finally came into being

 First, ST tried to select the topics from diverse sources for the articles. The cover story of the 177th Soongsil Times is a story about environmental problems, which is the hottest issue these days. Also, there are stories about newtro and kidult, which the university students are enthusiastic about. Above all, there are so many issues in the 177th edition I hope that you have fun reading it. In addition, ST made various changes for new year. First change is quiz. ST remodeled the quiz in order to form of a crossword puzzle. Second change is that ST made a new page that can post magazine reviews. ST made these changes so that the Soongsil Times will not just be a reporters’ stories, but also as an interactive magazine with the Soongsilians. The Soongsil Times is open to every Soongsilian. I am hoping that you will feel free to submit your opinion to the Soongsil Times.

 We would like to thank those who helped publish the Soongsil Times, specially those who always read the Soongsil Times.


Joo So-young [Editor-in-Chief]

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  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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