Reality Is Not a Coincidence
Reality Is Not a Coincidence
  • Joo So-young [Editor-in-Chief]
  • 승인 2019.06.11 15:44
  • 댓글 0
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 “Independence of Korea is not coming right now when we are shouting that Korea should be independent. However, we must shout on this occasion, because we have to awaken the spirit of independence to our nation.”

 This is what Son Byung-hee, one of the activists for Korean independence, said to people before the declaration of independence of Korea. That’s right. The actions we are doing now may not yield any immediate results, but it is no coincidence that we are now living in relatively peaceful times compared to the past. Present time has been made by many people’s sweat.

 We are now living in bustling times and forget many things. But the most important thing we should not forget is history. If we do not remember history, where should we find our fundamentals?

 2019 is a very significant year in history. It is the 100th anniversary of the March First Independence Movement and the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. How much do you know about these historical facts? What should we do in this historic year? ST tried to cover the history of Korea from a to z in detail. Why don’t you find our fundaments with the Soongsil Times?

Joo So-young [Editor-in-Chief]

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