Election and Vision of the Central Committee of Audit in SSU
Election and Vision of the Central Committee of Audit in SSU
  • Oh Jun-taeck
  • 승인 2019.06.11 15:45
  • 댓글 0
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On April 2019, the new 7th Central Committee of Audit of SSU has been elected. Are you familiar with what they are doing? ST meets with the members of the Central Committee of Audit and interviews them..........................................................................................................Ed

The new 7th CCA (Central Committee of Audit) has now been elected by Soonsillians. They selected Ju Han-byeol (Architecture student, 15) as chairperson, and Oh Jong-woon (Architecture student, 15) as vice-chairperson. The election began on April 1, and students could vote during the four-day campaign. There was a 51% turnout, and about 5,800 students voted in favor of this committee. The new CCA’s slogan is “See transparently and fairly, ‘SSU’s EYES.’” ST was wondering about the new CCA’s stance after the election. Therefore, ST had conducted interviews based on the forum where ST participated on March 22.




ST What does CCA do?

Ju: CCA conducts regular audits, college audits, and balance carried forward audits. First, there is regular audit. Regular audit is divided into the first half of May and the second half of November. Regular audit is a unique activity of the CCA used in monitoring student councils, including the student councils of colleges and the student councils of single departments, and the association of clubs. Second, the audit of colleges and universities is conducted by the College Audit Committee, which is recognized by the CCA as part of its autonomy, on different departments and departments affiliated with the colleges. Finally, the balance carried forward audit is conducted after the regular audit in thesecond half of the year to prevent any gaps in the audit period, during which student membership fees are carried forward.


ST What’s the difference between a former Emergency Committee CCA and a post-election CCA?

Ju: The name CCA was not available for the emergency committee. So the scholarship went to chairperson and three other members of the committee. Therefore, we managed to solve the operating expenses first with private expenses, and later received scholarships and filled them out. I asked for school capital because the organization that audited student membership fees might seem contradictory in receiving scholarships to cover student membership fees.


ST What action are you taking if the student union gets a warning? And what is your opinion about it?

Oh: The alerts and warnings are initialized when action is taken at each audit. However, if each organization fails to act, warnings or cautions will build up, and you will have to fill out an apology. There is no specific format for the apology, but a sample can be found on social media. Under the audit procedure, accounting damages can be compensated  through the COC (Central Operating Committee). However, we think the apology is weak, and we are discussing it with the COC.


ST Have you ever felt the most meaningful part of your career with
Ju: Of course, I remember distinctly when I won the election. Meanwhile, the most significant moment occurred during the conclusion of last year’s festivalrelated audit. I was a passive member of the committee, but I worked actively as the chairman of the audit committee of the engineering college in 2018.
Oh: As an auditor of the Institute of Technology, it was most meaningful that I resolved the problems of the Institute of Technology in 2018, and corrected the mistakes we committed earlier.

ST Why did CCA run for the title of “SSU’s EYES” in this election?

Ju: Our goal is to enhance the trust of the student council by ensuring that the autonomous body can build trust by carrying out projects strictly and fairly according to Article 1 of the Audit and Inspection Rules, by constantly monitoring and checking student membership fees for transparent and rational execution, and by doing so transparently. That’s why we ran in this by-election under the name of “SSU’s EYES.” As an organization that checks student self-governing districts, it is like a pledge to keep a close eye on the importance of student membership fees, excluding personal emotions, and see if they are strictly and fairly executed.

ST In your CCA speech in front of the student center on March 21, you spoke in five languages, including Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese,
and German. Why did you give the speech in different languages?

Oh: The first reason is to attract the attention of the students. CCA needed the vote for 13,000 students like the student council election. So, if I speak a foreign language, it would be a new attempt for me, so I thought I could attract the attention of my classmates who were passing through the Central Plaza.
Ju: The second reason is to lay the foundation for the elections for foreign students. Recently, the electoral rules for foreign students were revised, and I felt that the school had no electoral foundation at all for foreigners. So, I thought, let’s try giving a speech for foreign students first. After we got started, I was prepared to continue building an electoral base for foreign students, and to develop it in a more efficient manner.


ST Do you have something to say to Soongsilians or to the student unions?

Ju: Without the Soongsilians’ attention, accounting and audit materials couldn’t be made public, although we conduct audits transparently. And I want to say thanks to Soongsilians for supporting us. Joining CCA could lead to a meaningful campus life. If you are enrolled for more than two semesters and have passion, you can apply to the CCA.
Oh: Also, we appreciate the student council for participating in accounting education, which will be held on the 1st semester, the 2nd semester, and winter vacation, in cooperation with the accounting audit.


ST Do you want to pursue a career as an auditor?
Ju, Oh: We don’t have a dream on becoming an auditor. We just work to
audit and check if the precious student union fees are used fairly.

Oh Jun-taeck (ST Reporter)



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  • 제호 : The Soongsil Times(숭실대영자신문)
  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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