SSU Examination Class, How Much Do You Know?
SSU Examination Class, How Much Do You Know?
  • Jung Yeon-wook
  • 승인 2019.06.11 15:45
  • 댓글 0
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Most university students are under extreme stress as senior year is coming due to the burden of getting a job. According to the survey of 568 job seekers, 89.6 percent of them said they suffer from job stress. For this reason, many Korean universities have programs to help students prepare for employment. SSU Career Development Center also carries out a variety of programs to help students prepare for employment at SSU, and now let’s investigate Examination Class.

SSU Examination Class is divided into nine categories: accountant, patent attorney, certified labor attorney, licensed customs agent, lawyer, civil servant, the press and teacher certification examination. The number of students to be admitted varies from class to class. Students must pass the entrance exam at the beginning of each secmester in order to enter Examination Class. Since the entrance exam schedule and process are different for each Examination Class, it is recommended to refer to the website of the SSU Career Development Center to get accurate information. The benefits of Examination Class are different from each other, but common benefits include systematic learning management through checking daily attendance and monthly mock exams, teaching guidance through academic advisors, provision of study rooms and private seats, provision of seminar rooms and video lecture rooms, support for learning materials and video lectures. Other benefits include seniors mentoring, free access to computers or printers and field trips to workplace. In addition, if students pass the exam, it will be able to receive scholarships. It is usually divided into the first and final pass scholarships, and the amount of scholarship varies depending on the type of examination, but can benefit from up to half the amount to the full amount.

Then, let's meet up with Soongsilian who currently belongs to Examination Class and listen to the story of Examination Class.
ST: Please introduce yourself.
Lee Seok-ho: My name is Lee Seok-ho majoring in Business Administration, and I am currently studying at Hyuneuijae which is the examination class for preparing the certified public accountant (CPA).
ST: What made you decide to enter Hyuneuijae?
Lee: When I decided to prepare for the CPA, I wanted to get information about the test from the seniors who were in Hyuneuijae first rather than getting it online. Main reason I decided to enter Hyuneuijae was to motivate from other students who study the CPA in SSU

ST: What are the pros and cons of Hyuneuijae you think?
Lee: As I mentioned earlier, it is easy to get the necessary information in preparing the CPA. Studying in a private study seat in Global Brainhall also helps me adjust the atmosphere of learning, so that I can study hard with students around me. Most of all, I can make up for my weaknesses through counseling with professors. There are no noticeable shortcomings, but if I have to pick, there are not many events or programs that students studying together get closer to each other, so I do not have many opportunities to get close to each other. Also, compared to other schools, there seems to be less financial support.


Jung Yeon-wook (Web Editor)

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