The Process of Passing as a Licensed Customs Broker
The Process of Passing as a Licensed Customs Broker
  • Lee Yu-na[Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 15]
  • 승인 2020.04.09 14:28
  • 댓글 0
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 I’m Lee Yu-na, the youngest person to pass the customs broker test. I want to talk to you about my dream to become a customs broker and the kind of job I'm doing. I had a dream when I was in the university. Before I graduated, my mother often told me to find what I wanted to do and to get ready step-by-step. So, I went through various tests in the Internet since I was in the second year, and I have thought about my potential. I was most interested in trade class, and I was attracted to the job of a customs broker. My young spirit wanted to study diligently from the start. 

 A customs broker is a person who carries out administrative litigation under the Customs Act by following import and export procedures when exporting or importing goods, and solving problems on behalf of the customs authorities. In order to carry out customs duties, you must pass the national customs test. There are two tests that are conducted once a year and everybody must pass them. According to this second round of test statistics, the passing rate is 8.86%. The average amount of time to prepare and pass the exam is three years. Despite the low acceptance rate and the long exam period, the number of customs broker examinees is increasing. Other than money, authority, and lifelong employment, it's a job that pays off according to one’s capacity, and it can broaden one’s horizons.My exam period began from January 2017 to June 2019. I studied the first round in January and March 2017 and passed the first round at the end of March. Next, I studied for the second time over a year, but I failed in 2018. It was hard, but I wanted to try again. I was confident that I would pass next year, and if I gave up, I would regret it. The exam period resumed, and it was a terrible time. I woke up in the morning to eat, study, and sleep. Sometimes it was hard and exhausting, but when the sun came up, my routine began again.

 Now, after a year and a half, I’ve been dreaming of becoming a customs broker. When I received the acceptance notice, the feeling of relief was beyond words. As soon as I checked my acceptance letter, I informed my family, my boyfriend, and friends who supported me. I can’t forget that happy moment.

 Today, I go to school and do other things I couldn’t while I was studying. I’m traveling with my family, spending time with friends, and meeting with friends who also passed the customs exams. In January 2020, I will start training as a customs broker and begin traveling.

 Studying for two and a half years makes me write longer, and I remember many things. On the day I passed the first round, I was so happy that I didn’t know anything about my future. On the day I fell in the second round, I cried. On the day I was left in the exam center, I cried to my parents. I was tired from studying, but I think it was a stepping stone for me. There will be many times when I want to give up on studying, but if I trust myself and continue to do so, I will succeed. If you are interested in taking the customs broker exam, I hope to meet you one day and become good friends.








Lee Yu-na
[Entrepreneurship and Small 
Business, 15]

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : 숭실대영자신문
  • 명칭 : The Soongsil Times
  • 제호 : The Soongsil Times(숭실대영자신문)
  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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