Space of Comfort, the Seosomun Shrine History Museum
Space of Comfort, the Seosomun Shrine History Museum
  • Yang Yoon-seon (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2020.04.09 14:28
  • 댓글 0
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 There is a must-see destination nowadays. How about visiting the Seosomun Shrine History Museum, as recommended by ST? ㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍEd



ST, Yang Yoon-seon

 The Seosomun Shrine History Museum is a building that contains both religious and historical meanings. The four streets outside Seosomun Gate are the places where retain the history, culture, and social age of the late Joseon Dynasty. In 1416, four streets outside the Seosomun Gate were designated as places to execute sinners, and many Catholics were martyred here, going through the persecution(1801-Sinyu persecution, 1839-Kihae persecution, 1866-Byung in persecution). Furthermore, many people who were thought to be against the order of at the Neo-Confucianism were also executed. The Seosomun Shrine History Museum is located in the basement of a building with this history.

ST, Yang Yoon-seon

 The main concept of the Seosomun Shrine History Museum is “EN-CITY, ENGRAVING the PARK”. The word ‘engraving’ is an engraving technique that makes intaglio by digging a groove with a sculptural diagram. The museum carved the main space into the ground as if it were an engraving. It gives different personalities to the ground and the underground, and connects them by forming sequences through the copper wire. 


ST, Yang Yoon-seon


 The building is being completed through dynamic movement rather than being treated as a still object. This seems to be the architect’s interpretation of the pilgrimage route. The requirements for the museum of the Jung-gu Office(owner) are as follows. 1) To serve as a historical and cultural experience park. 2) Highlight it as a world-class martyrdom site that reveals human dignity and popular reform consciousness. 3) Increase its utilization as a park. The unique concept of the Seosomun Shrine History Museum perfectly meets the requirements of owner. The underground space consists of the three-stage core space

ST, Yang Yoon-seon

of: 1. Advanced Plaza 2. Consolation Hall 3. Sky Plaza. From the park to the Silent Square, where the designer experiences all the sequences according to the planned traffic, he or she will have a dramatic experience as if watching a movie.






Yang Yoon-seon (ST Reporter)

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  • 명칭 : The Soongsil Times
  • 제호 : The Soongsil Times(숭실대영자신문)
  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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