Get Through Winter with an Air Fryer
Get Through Winter with an Air Fryer
  • Lee Ga-eun (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2020.04.09 14:28
  • 댓글 0
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 These days, cooking with an air fryer became a new trend. ST introduces some recipes for overcoming the cold winter. ................................... Ed

  In recent years, the air fryer has become popular. An air fryer is a device that continuously supplies and circulates heat to cook food, and it can cook food without using oil. In fact, air fryers sold at E-Mart from January to September accounted for 69 percent of sales, more than double than that of microwave ovens with only 31 percent. Most people only use air fryers to cook frozen foods or bake sweet potatoes or potatoes. Why don’t you try a more diverse diet this winter by using air fryers? Introduce a dish that uses an air fryer.

  Blooming Onion Material: 1 onion, 2 cups of breadcrumbs, 2 1/2 cups of milk, 3 eggs, 2 cups of fried powder, 1/2 tablespoons of red pepper, 1/2 tablespoons of pepper Temperature / time: 180° / 15 minutes.

ST, Lee Ga-Eun
ST, Lee Ga-Eun

1. Peel the onion, cut the top and bottom a little, and then cut it into 16 pieces. At this point, please leave about 1 cm of extra space on the bottom.


ST, Lee Ga-Eun
ST, Lee Ga-Eun

2. Soak the sliced onion in water for about 20 minutes, and wipe the onion with a kitchen towel.

ST, Lee Ga-Eun
ST, Lee Ga-Eun

3. Mix milk and eggs to make egg water. Mix frying powder, red pepper powder, and pepper to make frying powder.

ST, Lee-Ga-Eun
ST, Lee-Ga-Eun

4. Mix the onion with frying powder and egg water, and then coat it with bread crumbs. Put it in the air fryer and bake it.

TIP: It's more delicious if you mix it with mayonnaise, pepper, sugar, minced garlic, and lemon juice.

Cream Cheese Sweet Potato Boats

Materials: 1 sweet potato, 2 tablespoons of cream cheese, 1/2 tablespoons of sugar, 1/3 tablespoons of salt Temperature / Time: 160° / 8 minutes Source : Twitter

ST, Lee Ga-Eun
ST, Lee Ga-Eun

1. Bake sweet potatoes in the air fryer. (180°, 10 minutes)

ST, Lee Ga-Eun
ST, Lee Ga-Eun

 2.  Cut the sweet potatoes in half and scrape off the filling

ST, Lee Ga-Eun
ST, Lee Ga-Eun

3. Mix cream cheese, salt, and sugar in the scrapes.

ST, Lee Ga-Eun
ST, Lee Ga-Eun

4.  Put the filling back into the sweet potato shell, and bake it again in the air fryer to finish.


                                                                                                         Lee Ga-eun (ST Reporter)




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  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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