Lost Beginning, Meet at Colleges
Lost Beginning, Meet at Colleges
  • Yeom Da-yeon (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2020.06.28 16:12
  • 댓글 0
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 Since SSU decided to conduct online programs for the whole semester, each school has found its own way to survive. ST introduced some of the online programs for the students ............... Ed

 Since all events that were previously scheduled for the freshmen students have been canceled, contents were produced for students using ‘online’. ST met with the student councils of four colleges where online programs were the most active and they listened to their stories.

 College of Social Sciences #Intelligence of SSU #Justice #A glitzy speech #Versatility
 Q. You have been running a program for freshmen students online. Please introduce it to us. 
 A. We conducted a survey on freshmen students to provide them with practical assistance, and we planned response contents based on this. We have an ‘open chat room for new students’ to provide them with a variety of information. 
 Q. Is there any value or goal being pursued by the College of Social Sciences?
 A. We have another name, ‘Our Youth College of Social Sciences’. In line with this, we would like to be ‘us’ and be there to guide the students as they go through their college life.

 College of Economics and International Commerce #Simple #Team Project Free Zone #The owner of Soong-duk #SSU cafe (Soong-duk)
 Q. Please introduce an online event for the students.
 A. We have produced many contents, with ‘COVID-19 comfort package’ as the most popular. We gave each student a pack that contains supplementary batteries, school calendars, and hand sanitizers. 
 Q. What is the pride of the College of E&I?
 A. Due to the lack of rest area in Soong-duk Economics and Business Building, we had several meetings with the school headquarters. As a result, we were promised to expand the rest area, and there was a comfortable one on the 2nd and the 3rd floor.

 College of Humanities #Variety #Pride of being the first #Friendliness #A good view (at the Jo Mansik Hall)
 Q. Please tell us about the program that traverses both online and offline.
 A. We held an event to encourage reading in conjunction with the university. We were given a small study and books from the university. We will never forget the online memorial service for the alumni, Park Hyun-min and Kim Chang-seop. 
 Q. What is the pride of the College of Humanities?
 A. The charm and individuality of various majors are unrivaled. As you study, your major naturally permeates your body like a scent. We also held the ‘haeoleumsig’(sunrise) event. Last year, many students attended the school festival, so I think it’s a successful event.

 College of Engineering # Hyungnam Building #Health #Library #Mathematics-Technology=0
 Q. Please introduce a special program that was launched online.
 A. First of all, we held e-sports competitions online for students to provide them with opportunities to compete and unite. We were also able to create two versions of bingo, which would boost empathy for engineering students.
 Q. What advice can you give to the engineering students?
 A. We recommend that you enjoy your freshman year in college! We get so busy as we move up. I am planning to prepare for many events in the second semester, so we hope it will be an unforgettable freshman life.


Yeom Da-yeon (ST Reporter)





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