Find Me : Labeling Game
Find Me : Labeling Game
  • Kim A-yeong (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2021.03.23 15:32
  • 댓글 0
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Have you ever done various self-diagnosis tests that are frequently exposed to SNS(Social Network Service)? It is said to have originated from ‘labeling marketing’ and from modern people’s desire to find ‘me in me.’ Let’s find out what ‘labeling marketing’ is. ............................Ed


 What flower am I? What color am I? What kind of food am I? Recently, many people perform self-diagnosis tests. This is called a ‘labeling game’ and this game reveals modern people’s desire to find their true selves. It is also said that companies use labeling games as a marketing strategy. ST will learn about the labeling game, which contains the process of finding the identity of modern people.

 First of all, what is the meaning of labeling game? A label refers to a table that displays information about an object, or a label that describes a personality of an individual. Therefore, labeling games are gamified efforts to resolve identity uncertainties by labeling their identity as a specific type and then estimating that type of lifestyle.


 Then, how does the labeling game work?

 1. Quantification: People derive the type by quantifying themselves with data through various tests. Specifically, they give points by responding to items that fit them, and then they use a method of dividing categories about their personality or characteristics based on the results. MBTI(The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) test is a common personality test.

 2. Metaphor: To put it simply, Jenny is described as ‘human Chanel’ and Susie as ‘human Dior.’ The brand itself is a metaphor. This is because in a consumer society, the brand you consume becomes your identity.

 3. Share and Check: People label themselves through quantification via testing or comparison, and then share and confirm the results with others. They share their own indicators by voluntarily posting their results on SNS to sympathize with each other. This means sharing another image of themselves with confidence, and also talking to people with different tendencies.


 Modern people’s search for identity is expanding the field from philosophy to consumption. This is because in a modern consumer society, ego is defined as consumption rather than reflection or meditation. Recent consumption has a causal relationship: “I’m someone who can buy this brand.” Modern people feel like they have become celebrities by purchasing brands used or advertised by celebrities, which is called the ‘panoply effect.’ Therefore, consumption based on labeling games is also called the modern panoply effect. However, self-confidence is likely to be shaken as a consequence.

 The trend of labeling games may indicate the fear of modern people having a multi-persona. In the future, modern people will have more and more personas. Therefore, labeling games are expected to continue to gain popularity. On the other hand, many modern people are saddened by the fact that they do not know their exact identity.


Kim A-yeong (ST Reporter)

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