Marketing Is the Same as Ad?
Marketing Is the Same as Ad?
  • Kim Seo-young (Planning Editor)
  • 승인 2021.09.27 20:42
  • 댓글 0
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Students, who dream of marketing among Soongsilians, please focus! Let’s take a look at marketing from A to Z, step-by-step. .................................................... Ed

     If you pay attention to the terms around you, you can see that there are many people who equate marketing with advertising. But marketing and advertising don’t really mean the same thing and differ in meaning and application in business. So, ST will look at the differences between advertising and marketing and provide a solution for the future by studying business administration or finding a job later.

Ads vs Marketing
     First, marketing is a term coined by using the same noun (~ing), referring to all activities in the marketplace. All systematic management activities are involved in the distribution of goods or services to consumers by producers. Identify the customer target and discover their needs. After developing an appropriate product, think of it as a process to make the customer want to buy it. 
     On the other hand, advertising leads to sales. It’s an activity where you choose the target of the brand that you want to advertise, choose the medium, and make an appeal for purchase. It is a collective term for informing the public on information about products, services, and brands. Advertising aims to promote products and services through various media, such as TV, newspapers, websites, and SNS, and sell them within a short period of time. 
     In turn, marketing activities include collecting data, analyzing the market, developing strategies to push for the sale of products, developing and producing products, and predicting sales based on them. Advertising is about promoting purchases at a cost during the marketing process. Thus, advertising is included in marketing activities, but advertising and marketing are not the same. 

Marketing, In Terms of Job
     If you want to be a marketer who does marketing overall, you can choose a marketing job for a particular company. And when this marketer advertises a company’s products, an advertising agency is outsourced. Then, the professional commission for advertising is done by an advertising agency. The advertiser assumes this responsibility, thus becoming the marketer oneself. It seems similar in terms of occupation, but you can see different meanings, tasks, jobs, and job differences. So, ST hope you’ll be able to get to know these things and get to know them in more detail when you’re preparing to get employed in the marketing field. 

Kim Seo-young (Planning Editor)

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