The High School Credit System
The High School Credit System
  • Lee You-bin (ST Cub-Reporter)
  • 승인 2023.01.11 23:36
  • 댓글 0
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When you entered SSU, what system did you adopt? The fairness issue can be raised certainly in various entrance examination systems, and discussions on the high school credit system are being held to address this problem. Let‘s spend time to explore the high school credit system that will change Korean education. ........................................................................ Ed


     The passion of Korean education is the higgest level these days. Therefore, the issue of fairness in college admissions continues to emerge, and the process for entering the university keeps changing. Then, let’s discuss the current situation of Korean university entrance exams.

     There are two ways to enter university in Korea: early admission and regular admission. The former determines the entrants through school grades, while the latter determines qualified applicants through the College Scholastic Ability Test. Moreover, there are various fields in which students are good at, and it is unfair to select regular admission by ranking them. To address these provblems, screening process through early admission was created. However, in 2019, when allegations of corruption of former Justice Minister Cho Kuk’s daughter arose, the Ministry of Education recommended that 16 universities in Seoul expand their regular admission rates by more than 40 percent, saying they would strengthen fairness in college entrance. Also, excessive cramming education and passive study methods have left students unaware of the reasons for studying, raising questions about whether or not this is the true method of teaching.

     To solve these problems, the high school credit system is being discussed. It refers to a system in which students choose various subjects according to their career path, and are recognized for graduation once their accumulated credits reach the standard. Common subjects are marked with a degree grade, and an achievement evaluation system is introduced in all optional subjects. In this case, students can take the class they want, get out of the competition of studying, and thoroughly study their career path. Experts saw the possibility, saying, “Although there are weak points becasue it is the first system that will be trying it, it has sufficient potential if the positive purpose of the high school credit system is uitilized.”

     The high school credit system will be applied to all high schools in 2025. From this point on, the way we view schools will change significantly. If students can choose the class they want, the drawbacks of cramming education will be eliminated. Of course, experts say that it is difficult to expect a major change due to the high school credit system, but the current College Scholastic Ability Test would also undergo changes. It is clear that the decision to change the educational system with a critical perspective on the current education in Korea is a positive movement.


Lee You-bin (ST Cub-Reporter)

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