Why Python IS Important
Why Python IS Important
  • Lee Yun-so (ST Cub-Reporter)
  • 승인 2023.01.11 23:36
  • 댓글 0
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Python might be unfamiliar and difficult for us to learn, but it also has its own interesting history and origins. Let‘s take a look at them together, and learn about the special value of Python! After reading this article, ST thinks Python will be a lot more meaningful to you...........................Ed

     SSU has a liberal arts course called 'Computer Thinking', which forms the basic knowledge of Python. This is included in the liberal arts course that Soongsilians must take. In recent years, the culture of learning coding in both major and non- major courses has begun spreading worldwide. At the heart of it is Python.

     Python is a language created by Dutch developer Guido Van Rothom. The word ‘Python’ is originally the name of a snake in Greek mythology. This is why the Python logo has a picture of two snakes facing each other. However, it was not a reference to Greek mythology, but was taken from the comedy program, ‘Monty Python‘s Flying Circus,’ on BBC. According to Python‘s official website, ”Guido Van Rothom has found a word that feels short, special, and mysterious. So he decided to choose the name, Python.” CodeEval, which provides code competition services, cited Python as the number one programming language in terms of popularity in 2016. How did Python becom No.1? Python is a language that is suitable for learning and has high actual usage and productivity, so accessibility and application are very reliable. Python's expression structure resembles a human thinking system, which makes it easy for beginners to learn. Moreover, there is a rich library outside its realm, so it is good to expand it to various uses. Python is used not only in web development, but also in various fields, such as data analysis, machine learning, graphics, and academic research.


     Coding is meaningful because one can become a subject and create just about anything. One of the tools for realizing ones's idea is computer language. The process of actively analyzing something can be an opportunity for us to grow. In coding, it goes though a debugging process to detect errors. Such debugging allows you to visually identify errors and reflect on your mistakes. The process of discovering and correcting mistakes is important not only in coding, but also in society. Coding requires great patience and effort. However, in the process of deriving what one is pursuing, one can gain the power of thinking and the drive to implement it. ST recommends that Soongsilians experience infinite possibilities with coding.


Lee Yun-so (ST Cub-Reporter)


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