Newtro Marketing with Memories
Newtro Marketing with Memories
  • Jung Dong-min (ST Cub-Reporter)
  • 승인 2023.01.11 23:36
  • 댓글 0
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Everyone will remember buying special bread at a supermarket at least once in their childhood, even if it's not Pokémon bread, and waiting for more for the stickers that come with such products. These days, retro marketing, which utilizes these points to share memories with the current generation, is gaining popularity. ST looked at the implications and examples of this so-called type of marketing and found out what must be considered to succeed ......................Ed

Newtro Products Attracting Hot Attention

ST, Jung Dong-min
ST, Jung Dong-min

     Pokémon bread, a type of bread firmly embedded in the childhood memories of the 2030 generation, has been re-released in 24 years since its first release in 1998 and is gaining huge popularity. Pokémon bread is said to have sold nearly 10 million units in just 40 days after its re-launch. The table on the right shows the popularity of Pokemon Bread by answering a survey of 100 Soongsilians. At this time, Pokémon bread can be seen as a newtro product. ”Newtro” is a combination of ”New” from novelty and ”Retro” which means the heritage of an old generation. If retro is nostalgic by taking out what was popular in the past and longing for it, newtro means a state in which the past is re-created by interpreting it according to modern times. No matter how good a product is, it needs its own sales strategy, so it is necessary to learn about newtro marketing.

Newtro Marketing Examples from Various Companies

     The key to newtro marketing is the reinterpretation of the old. You can give fresh pleasure only when you interpret the past from the present point of view and dress the story. The story of the item alone can stimulate consumer buying sentiment. Since this trend is linked to the charm that only certain brands or products have, it is necessary to discover the company‘s own identity, and add newness.

#Not Just Representing Only Wheat Flour

     Daehan Mill, which produces Gompyo flour, has been passive in marketing. However, an impending sense of crisis that might be forgotten by young consumers led to major marketing innovations in 2018. With 67 years of history and tradition, Gompyo created an online flagship space called ”Gompyo Newtro House” to reinterpret the old and boring brand image. This Gompyo Newtro House has succeeded in newtro marketing through collaboration with various products.

ST, Lee Yun-so
ST, Lee Yun-so

#Sales Rise with Memorable Designs

     ”Bravo Cone” of Haitai Ice Cream company in particular contributed greatly to the increase in sales by utilizing its previous sensibility with its design in the 1970s. In addition, Pepsi Cola applied the logo and design used in the 1990s as it is, stimulating the retro sensibility and leading to purchases. Moreover, various companies, such as Chilsung Cider, Coca-Cola, Dongwon F&B, and Hite Jinro, are conducting newtro marketing by utilizing the old designs of their products.

#Newtro-style Group that Hit Korea in 2020

ST, Lee Yun-so

     The mixed group formed through the MBC entertainment program Hangout With Yoo dominated the commodity market as well as the music industry. T The collaboration product with SSAK 3, released by fashion brand Spao in 2020, was sold out two days after its launch. Spao released 11 T-shirts with the newtro motif of SSAK 3, and seven of them were sold out in 10 minutes. In addition, Dunkin Donuts conducted the ‚SSAK 3 Project‘ and provided the ‚SSAK 3 Donuts‘ in a Cassette Tape package that is a cultural icon of the 90s. This product is said to have sold 150% more than other collaborative products.

Newtro Marketing Considerations

     Pokémon bread, a type of bread firmly embedded in the childhood memories of the 2030 generation, has been re-released in 24 years since its first release in 1998 and is gaining huge popularity. Pokémon bread is said to have sold nearly 10 million units in just 40 days after its re-launch. The table on the right shows the popularity of Pokemon Bread by answering a survey of 100 Soongsilians. At this time, Pokémon bread can be seen as a newtro product. ”Newtro” is a combination of ”New” from novelty and ”Retro” which means the heritage of an old generation. If retro is nostalgic by taking out what was popular in the past and longing for it, newtro means a state in which the past is re-created by interpreting it according to modern times. No matter how good a product is, it needs its own sales strategy, so it is necessary to learn about newtro marketing. However, newtro marketing does not always result in success. Cream bread, which was released by Samlip in 2013, is a representative example of a failure in newtro marketing. In commemoration of its 50th anniversary, the company newly launched a traditional cream bread, but consumers turned away because of the reckless obsession with past emotions. It failed to capture the taste of the younger generation exposed to various flavors due to its reliance on the brand‘s tradition and history. Therefore, in newtro marketing, four main factors must be considered: ‘Getting inspiration’, ‘Census’, ‘Verity’, and ‘Media using’. If you properly use these four factors, you can plan a successful newtro marketing.

     Currently, we continue to live an uncomfortable life that is different from the past in the worst pandemic in human history called COVID-19. Under this situation, recalling old experiences through newtro marketing feels like a pleasant gift as if you were a child. In reality, we want it to be full of good things, but if there are hardships, ST hopes Soongsilians will overcome them by recalling the beautiful memories of the past through Newtro products.


Jung Dong-min (ST Cub-Reporter) 

Lee Yun-so (ST Cub-Reporter)

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