Are You Happy?

2012-08-25     Kim Ki-hong

Going to a university means that you can study what you want to study,which I think will make you happy. So are you happy? It seems that these days, what everyone is studying is not what he or she likes to study and will not make him or her happy in the future. Do you really think this makes sense? Old people say that you have to endure the pain if you want to become successful, but do you really think that we will be happier later if we’re unhappy now? I don’t think so. I do agree to this on some points, but I think that people embrace this saying fully without thinking deeply about it. What I mean is that I believe that you don’t have to be so miserable now if you want to be happy later. Many people these days think that having a decent job will make them happy. They think that money is everything. Do you really think that having a lot of money will make you happy? Having a lot of money can make you partially happy, but money is certainly not everything in life.


I think that doing what you want to do is important for living a happy life,so you should study what you really want to study and later get a job that you’re really interested in. You may say that what you like to study will not lead you to have a decent job,but even so, you can still earn money by doing what you like. I think that this can bring much happiness to your life. Your job is a big part of your life.I can see that many people today are unhappy because they don’t like their current job. In addition, if you become a specialist in a specific field, people will respect you for your knowledge, and you will also be able to earn lots of money. If you like your job,it will be easier for you to become a specialist in your field. Even if you are initially not that good at that field, you will learn much faster than the others because you will work harder than they will. The others will think of their job as some kind of burden, but for you, it will be something that makes you happy, and this will make you work hard. I think that a “decent job” is defined or created by you and not by others.


Studying what you like and having a job that makes you happy is thus a good thing, but this doesn’t mean that you won’t suffer. Even if you like something,it can become dull from time to time, and if you want to become a specialist, you may have to do or study something that you don’t like to do or study. Having a job that makes you happy will make it easier for you to become a specialist, but that doesn’t mean that you can become one without any effort. You have to put in a lot of effort, but because you’re doing something you like doing, the process will become much more comfortable for you than for others.


You should experience a lot of things, so try a lot of things and find out what you really want to do. I think that this is the most important thing in life.