Guide to Life

2014-03-25     Shin Hyun-a (Editor-in-Chief)
According to Yes24’s research on the best-selling books in 2013, there were 18 self-help books in the top 100 bestsellers list. The titles of those self-help books, such as How to Live Happily and 10 Things You Shouldn’t Do, have something in common. Books with titles that include the words “How to” no doubt abound in South Korea.
Then, we should think: Why do we crave this kind of books? From what I know, I’d say that it’s because of the uncertainty of the present days. The world is changing so fast, and you can barely see what will happen next, so you need something like books that can guide you, and preferably the ones that are written by prestigious
I doubt, however, that these self-help books can serve as the bible of a person’s life. The main reason for this is that self-help books are based on the authors’ lives and not on ours. The author may have learned some good lessons from his/her life experience, but not all of such lessons can be applied to our lives as you are not going to live the author’s life. So it shouldn’t be rammed down your throat like an established theory that’s telling you dos and don’ts.
So here’s a suggestion. The world is passing by so fast, and the future is so uncertain and unpredictable. Spare yourself a moment or two. Take time to think about your life and the world around you more thoroughly. Decide what to do. Don’t try to take a shortcut by reading self-help books and hoping to find in such books a walk-through to life. It won’t be of much help.