The Inauguration of President Hwang Jun-seong

2017-05-25     Shin Seungyeon

The new president of SSU was recently inaugurated. .........................................................................................Ed

On February 1, Hwang Junseong, professor of Economics, was inaugurated as the 14th president of SSU. He graduated from SSU with a bachelor’s degree in Economics. He received his master’s and doctor’s degree in Economics from the Free University of Berlin. He was chosen among 10 candidates. The candidates went through pledge presentations and open discussions. All the faculty members and employees voted electronically. The presidential election committee nominated final candidates to the board of directors. The inaugural ceremony was held
at the Reverend Han Kyungchik Memorial Hall. In his speech Hwang Jun-seong said, “SSU should be reborn as a competent school on the basis of the proud identity of the remarkable national Christian University.” He unfolded four
visions he had of SSU: first, the rebirth of SSU every Soongsilian is proud of; second, the education of future generations for the unification of Korea; third, the making SSU attractive to prospective students; forth, the efficient and effective communication with SSU communities in ways to face upcoming challenges. He emphasized
that this year, the university’s 120thanniversary, is the right time to makea new SSU history.

Shin Seung-yeon (ST Reporter)