Smoking Cessation Diary

2022-01-16     Kang Seung-wan (ST Reporter)

If you’re still thinking about quitting smoking, please quit smoking with ST now! ST will be your guide to smoking cessation. Don’t let go of ST until the day you overcome the withdrawal phenomenon, and completely quit smoking. ...................................Ed




     Everyone is quite well aware of the fact that cigarettes are useless to the body. In addition to well-known toxic substances, such as nicotine and tar, cigarettes also contain many harmful substances like acetone and cadmium. In particular, cigarettes have posed the biggest problem, which is more fatal to teenagers and pregnant women. However, very few people quit smoking. ST tries to discuss the process of quitting smoking through a self-written smoking cessation journal.

     Day 1: I decided to quit smoking without the help of drugs and supplements because I have not been smoking that long. First, I went to smoking cessation clinics located in Dongjak-gu. I had time to examine my condition objectively through a questionnaire, and received only plenty of xylitol gum without supplements like nicotine patches.



     Day 7: There are times when I still think of cigarettes. For example, when I wake up in the morning, after eating, when I am sad or angry, or when I have to study but feel sleepy, I am often reminded by it. I’ve got some know-how. The secret is in lemonade. The after-taste is similar to what you have after smoking, so I’m holding out as much as I can.

     Day 60: There have been countless temptations. To be honest, I failed a few times, but now I’m free from addiction, to the point where I don’t remember the last time I smoked. The public health center praised me for quitting smoking well, and gave me vitamins as gifts. I’m so proud of myself for being somewhat free from smoking.



     To Soongsilians who smoke, try quitting smoking for yourselves, for your families, and for your loved ones. There will be plenty of painful experiences, but it will be nothing compared to the advantage of being freed from cigarettes. 



Kang Seung-wan (ST Reporter)