AI Profile’s Popularity and Ongoing Arguments
AI Profile’s Popularity and Ongoing Arguments
  • Kim Gyeong-min
  • 승인 2023.09.22 12:42
  • 댓글 0
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Applications that analyze human photos through Artificial Intelligence(AI) and synthesize them into various models by taking only the best features are the trend. However, a lot of controversy about this trend exists. For instance, some people try to use AI to edit photos and documents, even legal certificates, causing a heated debate. It is possible that since many people have already used this AI feature, it has been raised to a hotly debated topic. Read the following article to hear various opinions about this issue. ......Ed

ST, Kim Gyeong-min
ST, Kim Gyeong-min

     Recently, people have become interested in AI (Artificial Intelligence) profile pictures. ‘AI profiles’ is a service that makes their profile by photos which users put 10 to 20 to AI service. This service was launched by Naver’s subsidiary company, Snow, targeting female users and they announced their plans to extend it to male users in the future. Users can choose one from two prices between ₩3,300 and ₩6,600. Paying ₩3,300, users can receive their profile picture within 24 hours. For ₩6,600, they can get it within one hour. Compared to traditional photo studios that charge around ₩150,000~₩200,000 to take pictures for profiles, AI profiles offer a significant advantage in terms of affordability and the ability to experiment with various styles. Moreover, people of all ages can use this service, allowing them to see their younger selves in a photo. However, there is an ongoing argument among users regarding whether AI-generated photos can be used for public identification purposes.

     The Ministry of the Interior and Safety considers whether AI profile photos can be used for identification. Some argue it is acceptable since real photos were used, while others claim it cannot serve as valid identification. A survey among Soongsilians showed that 90 percent were against using AI profiles for identification photos. Additionally, many respondents were opposed to using AI profiles for official purposes, believing they should remain for personal amusement only.
ST, Lee Hyun-jun
ST, Lee Hyun-jun

    Survey results on awareness of AI profile photos
1. It’s not a real picture, it’s just a correction picture.
2. It’s seems fun to try it once.
3. I don’t think this picture is used in official documents. 

     There are currently no specific regulations governing the use of AI profiles for identification; only if the photo is difficult to confirm as the user, it can be replaced with another one. Thus, the Ministry of the Interior and Safety will review the possibility of using AI profile pictures. As more companies consider launching AI profile services, clear guidelines should be established to utilize AI profiles effectively while preserving their advantages in appropriate contexts.


Kim Gyeong-min (ST Reporter)
Lee Hyun-jun (ST Cub-Reporter)

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