Let’s Meet the Champions, SSU Soccer Team!
Let’s Meet the Champions, SSU Soccer Team!
  • Baek Yoon-jung (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2008.02.26 22:41
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Soong-sil Unversity soccer team won a championship once again. ST has interviewed members of soccer team............Ed.

Soong-sil Unversity soccer team won a championship once again. ST has interviewed members of soccer team............Ed.


  The Soongsil University won a competition titled ‘Autumn 2007 Hemel Korea University Soccer Match’ On August 16th, the final round was held in An dong. In this round, SSU defeated Yeonsei University. The victorious result came in the final extra inning. (result 4:2) Soongsil Times met three of the soccer players Kim Dae-ho(GK), Jeong Hyung-joon(DF), Kim Min-seob(DF).

1) Could you please tell me your impressions of the victory.

  (Dae-ho) Thanks to all the players who did their in spite of the heat, we could win. Actually, we weren’ successful in the matches. This victory was the first time this year. So, we were especially impressed.

2) Did you have any plan or strategy? Also, please tell me about your practice program.

Hung-joon) We trained harder than usual in order to win. A week before the competition, we just mountained our condition. At the end we train once a day (usually running).   

Min-seob) Usually, we trained three times a day. In the morning, we did running. During the afternoon, we practised with a soccer ball on the field and we worked out in a gym at


3) (To Kim Dae-ho) As a GK, when do you usually have stress or feel pressured?

Dae-ho) When we lose a point at the beginning, I am depressed. Also, when we face an extra inning game, I am pressured because the result is in my hand..

4) When do you feel successful and when do you feel frustrated?

Min-seob) I think the worst situation is to train in the summer. In the summer, we are exhausted because of the heat.

Hyung-joon) I feel successful when we have a victory. Everyone probably thinks like me.

5) What do you think was the main reason for you victory?

Dae-ho)Because of modesty, I think. We never become arrogant even if we win. We enjoy the victory during the day, and continue our training. We always think about our next victory.

6) Do you have any goal?

  (Together)We think the first thing to do is get a job. Mostplayers want to enter a professional soccer team.


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