Slide into Style
Slide into Style
  • Kwon Hyeon-ji (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2016.06.25 23:42
  • 댓글 0
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  Value people pursue in life has turned from simply being to well-being. One way for achieving this is by choosing clothes as a means of expressing personal character of the person. ST introduces street fashion trend and tips for good looks.......................................................................................................................Ed


   Clothes reflect the wearer’s characteristics based on how they were used. A person can pick up unique, comfortable, or expen¬sive pieces of clothing from the retailer shelves. However, what kinds of clothes are considered as 'good clothes'? According to personal preference, everyone has a different standard of what is considered as good. The answer to the question would be up to anyone. The “well-dressed people” have benchmarks by which they judge whether an article of clothing is good or not.

  One of the most important factors in dressing well is to have a physically fit body. A clear example of this is a hot topic photo that has been circulating the Internet for quite a while. In the left picture, the long top and wide bottoms do not suit the man. On the other hand, the picture on the right has a better fit. If you don't get dressed properly to match your posture, you would also be seen as him. A physically fit appearance can make you look appealing. Using high-waisted garments, miniskirts, or short-shorts will gloss over your indistinct body parts. In addition, wearing dark and loose clothing covers the bad parts.


  There is something you need to keep in mind, which is the com¬bination of colors. People have a harmonized color based on their skin tone. Skin tones are generally divided into warm tone and cool tone. The warm tone can be seen on the yellow tinged skin, while the cool tone can be seen on the rosy tinged skin. People with warm toned skin seem lively when they wear yellow colored clothes, whereas people with cool toned skin seem brighter when wearing pink or primary colors. If you consider the skin tone when wearing a dress, it would be easy for a person to coordinate the style.

  If you feel stuck in a rut on what clothes to wear every day, you can revamp a boring outfit by using accessories. Bracelets and shoes are useful means of self-expression. Simple brace¬lets can make a different impression. Slip-ons bring about an appearance of uniqueness as well. The shoe trend has started a new fad called the skater collection. Skate fashion has paved the way for sequin-embellished footwear.

  Following the rise of better living standards, we no longer just try to survive, but aim to thrive. Fashion is more of a self-expression than a means to attract attention. While keep¬ing the ST tips in mind, let us design an outfit that we can wear tomorrow.


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  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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