You Might Be a Kidult
You Might Be a Kidult
  • Shin Seungyeon
  • 승인 2016.06.25 23:48
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    Kidult is recognized as part of the culture these days. Once we get to know about Kidult, we may easily notice those people exist in real life. ST introduces what Kidult is and various kinds of Kidult.......................Ed

    What is kidult?

     Do you remember that McDonald's gave away Minions (Happy Meal toys) to customers who bought the special menu set last summer? The toys were immediately out of stock. Both adults and kids were waiting in line. Why did they react so enthusiastically?

    The kidult culture is currently widespread. The word “Kidult” is a combined word of ‘kid’ and ‘adult’. It means adults who have the sensibility and preference similar to that of kids. Toymakers take aim at "kidults", which is defined by the Italian Kidult Games company as "adults who take care of their kid inside". There are a variety of kidult items. Younger generations like character products such as cellphone cases and action figures, while the older generations, particularly fathers, prefer drones and remote control (RC) products.

    The background of the kidult appearance

    Why did the kidult culture become popular? Data experts have many theories. First, the kidult culture reflects the weariness of the modern people. They live in a harsh reality. They want compensation, and being a kidult is the kind of compensation that they can give themselves. The kidult culture is a form of escapism that reflects their desire to be free. Second, people miss the innocence of their childhood days. They buy their favorite toy which recalls the memory of their past. Some kidults want to receive indemnity for their underprivileged childhood. They are obsessed with the idea because they can now afford to buy expensive toys.

    The status of kidult

    Some individuals are pointing fingers at “kidult” because, in their eyes, a kidult does not behave like an actual adult. These people dismiss kidults as patients suffering from Peter Pan syndrome. They also consider them to be adults who cannot act their age. However, the “2014 Trend KOREA” appointed kidult as 2014's main trend, and the kidult market is rapidly growing. Its scale was estimated at 700 billion Won at the end of 2015. It is growing at a rate of nearly 20 percent per year, as it is no longer considered a shameful culture.

    Kinds of kidult toys

    There are a number of kidult items; however, the most popular four items are Nanoblock, Kakao friend character goods, Gundam, and the drone.

    Nanoblock is currently the most popular toy. It is smaller than the Lego. It has a variety of characters such Donald Duck and Super Mario, among others. Its merit is that customers can pick their favorite character.



   Kakao launched item shop that sells compact mirrors, neck pillows, and so on. It has wide range of products. Especially, Ryan doll is best-selling item. And a Korea cosmetic company is collaborating with the Kakao characters for young girls. They buy cosmetics designed with character details because they consider them as cute.





   Gundam, on the other hand, is more of a collectible kidult item. It requires a great deal of care because it is created by hand and needs several days to complete. It is also quite expensive; therefore, it is not a common kidult product.







   The drone is a luxurious toy as compared to the others, and its main customers are fathers in their thirties and forties. They are fond of sharing their hobby with their children. This is the reason why the drone is a steady seller despite its expensive price.

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