SSU Takes a Step as an AI Leading University
SSU Takes a Step as an AI Leading University
  • The SoongsilTimes
  • 승인 2021.01.02 16:56
  • 댓글 0
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  SSU held an AI(Artificial Intelligence) Vision Proclamation Ceremony on October 7 to mark the 123rd anniversary of its foundation. AI Vision Proclamation Ceremony was declared online with the catchphrase “All the studies of SSU go to AI” to characterize SSU as the nation’s top AI convergence university leading the fourth industrial revolution. Hwang Joon-sung, president of SSU, said at the first part of the ceremony, “We will lead the paradigm of differentiated education by making it easy and fast for anyone to learn and access and become competitive through AI education. Also, “The AI vision of SSU, a prestigious university in IT(Information technology), is to continue its reputation as a leading AI university by creating maximum synergy effects through the organic connection of education, research, industry-academic cooperation and infrastructure.” he said.
  SSU announced that it will establish a convergence system between each major and AI so that all studies can be lead to AI. Starting next year, a freshman will learn subjects such as computertype thinking, AI and data society as required. And appoint AI program directors to each college.
  Now that all universities are talking about AI education, SSU has its own distinction: it helps students to start their own businesses through AI education. Through AI education, students will create start-up items, hold contests for start-ups, and support school start-ups. SSU was selected as the leading university for the fourth industrial revolution and received $1.76 million for two years. Students from the AI Convergence Department will be selected as full scholarships, and the goal is to invest $30.85 million to foster the AI sector over the next five years.

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  • 명칭 : The Soongsil Times
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  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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