- Negative + Positive Emotions = Happiness
- Negative + Positive Emotions = Happiness
  • Kim Seo-young (Editor-in-Chief)
  • 승인 2022.06.11 21:42
  • 댓글 0
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     Everyone suffers from anxiety, sometimes going through difficulties, and experiencing frustration and failure in life. What has already happened cannot be reversed, so we have to prepare for the future. Of course, it is impossible to predict exactly what will happen in the future, but the one who can control his/her emotions can hold his/her fate in his hand and cope properly with whatever happens. The power of emotion is so strong that it affects every moment of life. Therefore, you should learn to control your emotions. Emotions also affect people‘s psychology and speech and behavior. ST wants to convey some lessons learned from the book, I Decided Not to Lose to My Feelings Today, to Soongsilians. 
     My mind is under my control: a way to relieve negative emotions. Those who know how to properly resolve negative emotions think about what doesn‘t go their way as a small puddle of water on the road. Muddy water in a puddle may splash on your feet by mistake, but you just have to pass by. Wise people know well when to endure difficult situations, and when to get angry. The principal problem should be pointed out for sure, but amid a major mistake, it is wise to get angry for a while, know how to persevere, and claim rights proudly when something is unfair. 
     Furthermore, in order to resolve bad feelings, you need to accurately understand your current feelings, find out the cause of negative feelings, and analyze them coolly. If the reason why you get angry is because of someone else‘s fault, you have to comfort yourselves so that you don‘t waste your precious time and emotions. To relieve negative emotions, let‘s cry a lot, talk openly to others, or exercise to get rid of stress, and fill it with more relief and happiness. 

Let's all manage our emotions skillfully and enjoy a happy life starting today!

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