One-Step, Full-Scale Absolute Evaluation for Students
One-Step, Full-Scale Absolute Evaluation for Students
  • Jeon Min-young (News Editor)
  • 승인 2023.01.11 23:58
  • 댓글 0
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 In 2021, the 62nd Student Council ‚Sun‘ was elected in the election with the slogan ‚Standing one step ahead for you‘ and numerous promises for students, especially the promise of absolute evaluation. Now, after about 9 months of the 62nd Student Council‘s tenure, is the promise being kept? What is the reaction of the Soongsilians? ST conducted a student survey and an interview with SSU to find out in detail the opinions of Soongsilians about the promise of absolute evaluation and how the promise is being fulfilled so far.

 First, of the 86 Soongsilians who participated in the survey, only 50% of the students answered ‘yes’ to the question of whether they were well aware of the promises of the 62nd Student Council. However, among the Soongsilians who participated in the survey, more than 80% of students showed great interest in the total absolute evaluation. This shows how much students pay attention to the way grades are evaluated. According to the survey results, 95.3% of Soongsilians said they were dissatisfied with the relaxed relative evaluation, which is the current school grade evaluation method. The reasons for this were ‘remarkably lower A ratio compared to other universities’ (91.6%). In addition, 68.6% of the respondents answered that the full absolute evaluation pledge should be implemented immediately from the second semester of the 22nd year. If so, what kind of effort is needed by the Student Council to implement a full-scale absolute evaluation? According to the results of the survey, 60.5% of respondents answered that efforts such as ‘a school that accepts students’ opinions. Through this, it was found that many Soongsilians wanted smoother communication between students and the student council, and between the student council and the school administration. Most of them compared the grading method with other universities and expressed their disadvantage in terms of employment and academic achievement and answered that it is necessary to introduce an absolute evaluation as soon as possible to order to keep pace with other universities.


Q. ST: Why did you pledge to implement the full absolute evaluation?

A. Song Je-gyeong (18, Statistics and Actuarial Science student):

 The reason is that absolute evaluation has an excellent effect as an educational device for reaching cooperation, creativity, and process-oriented education compared to relative evaluation. Through this, to help restore the university‘s function of academic inquiry, the implementation of a full absolute evaluation was made as a pledge. By the implementation of this evaluation method, there is an expectation that achievement can be recognized by Soongsilians


Q. ST: What efforts are you making to keep the absolute evaluation pledge?

A. Song Je-gyeong (18, Statistics and Actuarial Science student):

 To implement the pledge, the student council prepared a proposal to introduce an absolute evaluation in February, 2022. conducted a justification for the introduction of an absolute evaluation, and persuaded the department related to the part. The academic team also agreed with the student council and is now discussing the absolute evaluation promotion committee with professors majoring in education to obtain advice on the implementation of the full absolute evaluation. In addition, through consultation with the Education and Learning Innovation Center, efforts are being made to expand classes using the Engaged Learning method and to expand the establishment of absolute evaluation subjects using the Rubric plan. The student council encouraged teachers to participate in the pilot operation of the absolute evaluation by providing incentives for the active introduction of the absolute evaluation pilot and sought to increase the number of professors participating in the second semester of the 22nd school year. However, indiscriminate implementation of absolute evaluation may not fit the original direction of pursuing absolute evaluation, so it is being approached carefully. In the case of indiscriminate introduction of absolute evaluation, it is even looking at the possibility that Soongsilian‘s performance may be a risk if the credit inflation of this school, which companies encounter, is severe. Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to conduct a pilot operation for the introduction of absolute evaluation in the second semester of the 22nd school year and are actively promoting it.


 Many Soongsilians are interested in the pledge because it is directly related to grades. Accordingly, Soongsilians are showing their desire for active communication and movement from schools and student councils. The student council is making efforts to realize its pledge to implement the full absolute evaluation for the first semester of the 23rd school year, consults with various institutions, and casts professors to form a committee to meet the interest of Soongsilians. As many voices are calling for the active implementation of the pledge, it is necessary to pay constant attention to the overall absolute evaluation of students and faculty members who make up SSU, the school‘s position on it, and the movement and actions of the student council.


Jeon Min-young (News Editor)

Yang Su-rin (ST Cub-Reporter)

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