About the Ship Officer?
About the Ship Officer?
  • Kim Na-eun
  • 승인 2023.07.03 23:17
  • 댓글 0
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     How many things do you use in a day? And where and how could those things come to us? I would like to introduce a job, called a ship officer, who that tells the source of all the things that I take for granted in my daily life.

     The term “ship officer” means a navigator, engineer, and the occupation of operating a ship. The amount of oil carried by one tanker is enough for the Korean people to use for one day. The undiluted solution of famous overseas brand drinks is also transported by a liquid cargo carrier.

     Ship officers usually work in uniform. The reason for wearing such a uniform is when a war breaks out, the transportation of military supplies is the most important, and the ship officer oversees them. advantage of ship officers is the ability to travel to the city during their free time as they reach the port. However, sometimes, I meet pirates. So, at this time, I receive a separate life allowance called pirate allowance. If pirates get on board, ship officers must enter a secret room and wait for the help from the state.

     The navigator also serves to operate the ship safely along the route, but he is also in charge of managing the cargo. For example, suppose you transport frozen food in a container. It is necessary to check whether it is a container with a refrigerator function, whether the container is properly powered, if ventilation is required, and if it is toxic, it must not affect the surrounding container. Sometimes livestock are moved by ships. Special cargo ships carrying cows, pigs, and horses are said to check whether drinking water is properly supplied, and whether livestock are sick.

     The engineer manages all the necessary facilities for the ship to propel. The most important thing is to manage the engine for turning the propeller, and to do this, the boiler must be turned. Where people live, there are machines that make drinking water, machines that produce electricity, and, in the case of gas ships, there is a device that re-liquidates liquefied cargo when it is vaporized. The engineer deals with all the machinery used on the ship.

     A pilot can start as a navigator, and pass the pilot test after having a captain’s career. The Busan Port pilot safely berths all ships attempting to enter the Busan Port at the pier. Since ships have different sizes, different facilities, and different types of cargo that they carry, practical experience is very important in berthing. Previously, only a former navigator could be a pilot, but now the law has changed, so even an engineer can be a pilot.

     Ship accidents cost a fortune once they happen. Hanjin Shipping collapsed because of a single-ship accident. Not only is the price of a ship extremely expensive, but the cargo is also expensive. The cost of handling in the event of environmental pollution is enormous, and the cost of damages for transportation contracts is enormous, too. That is why the competence of a ship officer is very important.

     I chose this course because I can enjoy the world to my heart’s content, including a high salary, and because employment is guaranteed. I will become a great person and make a mark in the shipping industry, and wrap up by expressing my ambition to contribute to the training of future ship officers in my name.





Kim Na-eun
[Korea Maritime Ocean University Division of Maritime Transportation Science 76th Marine Insurance major]

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