Steps of 7+1 Overseas Volunteers Started Again After 3 Years
Steps of 7+1 Overseas Volunteers Started Again After 3 Years
  • Jun Eun-jin (ST Reporter)
  • 승인 2023.07.03 23:15
  • 댓글 0
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 Do you know about the 7+1 long-term overseas volunteer program? It is a program that SSU has been conducting since 2011 to contribute to bridging the educational gap through educational services to countries with a large educational gap, and to enhance the global capabilities of students dispatched as volunteers. This time, a reporter from ST will be dispatched as a field volunteer for the 7+1 long-term overseas volunteer program to introduce interesting stories through articles. ...............Ed

ST, Jun Eun-jin

      Soongsil University has been carrying out the 7+1 long-term overseas volunteer program since 2011 to contribute to bridging the educational gap in beneficiary countries and to enhance the global educational capabilities of volunteers through educational volunteer services for countries with large educational gaps. This is a program that allows students to volunteer abroad for a period of one semester and earn up to 18 credits. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteers could not be dispatched from 2020 to 2022, but volunteers were dispatched again in 2023. ST interviewed 7+1 long-term overseas volunteers to publicize the 7+1 long-term overseas volunteer program that started again in 2023 and to attract the attention of students. I am one of those volunteers. Therefore, I am going to conduct an interview as a questioner.

Q1. Please introduce yourself.

Hong: Hello, I am Hong Eun-sil of the 20th degree of Christian Studies. I am spending each precious day with a heart full of joy and happiness. I will do my best to love you generously and serve you without regret for the remaining time.

Q2. What motivated you to apply for the 7+1 long-term overseas volunteer program?

During my college life, I wanted to have as many diverse experiences as possible.I also wanted to do volunteer work. At that time, the field of selection was also an education service that I was interested in, so I applied without thinking for a long time.

Q3. What kind of volunteer work did you do in Indonesia, where you were dispatched this semester?

ST, Jun Eun-jin

The volunteer activities we are doing are divided into weekdays and weekends. During the week, we teach Korean language classes to local children at Emmanuel Elementary School and Theological Middle School. On days when we don't have classes, we go into other classes as assistants and do various activities with the children. There is a dormitory for middle and high school students in theology right next to the house where we are staying, so we give Korean lessons to the children once a week in the evening. There is a Saturday Korean language school for Korean students attending an international school. On weekends, we teach classes for middle and high school students at the Saturday Korean School. Also, on Sundays, we volunteer at the church as a praise team and a media team.




ST, Jun Eun-jin
ST, Jun Eun-jin
ST, Jun Eun-jin


ST, Jun Eun-jin

Q4. What is the most memorable activity you have done so far?

All daily life itself is memorable and precious, but the smallest but most certain happiness is ‘in the van on the way home’. It's a long way from school to my house, so we travel by car, and the dormitory students also go with us. All the way home we laughed non-stop. Even though my body is very tired after class, I am busy singing songs with the children, taking pictures and videos, teasing each other, and moving together every day for a very short 10 minutes. We are still not good at the language, but we were communicating naturally as we made eye contact and smiled together. I don't want to think about parting with those children already. It is because I am so grateful and happy that I can get a lot of joy and energy just by spending time with them and gradually having emotional exchanges, even if it is not any special activity.

Q5. Do you have any advice for alumni who want to apply for 7+1 long-term overseas service next semester?

I have nothing to say, I just want to tell you to come unconditionally. A heart of love, maybe a heart lacking in love, anything is okay. ‘I’m still very lacking, and I don’t know if I can do well…’ It’s enough to come and think like this. Come and learn a lot, break a lot, and gain a lot. As I grow and become stronger, I think I can become a person who gives more love and serves humbly. I can't wait to see how much more I will grow!

7+1 long-term overseas volunteer service started in 3 years. As it started again, only one country was dispatched to Indonesia in the 2023-1 semester. From now on, it is expected to be dispatched not only to one country, but to many countries like before Covid 19, so I hope that many students will show interest and support.


Jeon Eun-jin (ST Reporter)

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  • 명칭 : The Soongsil Times
  • 제호 : The Soongsil Times(숭실대영자신문)
  • 등록번호 :
  • 등록일 : 2017-04-05
  • 발행일 : 2017-05-01
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